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Raw ideas created in Photoshop, old combat system but visually easier to understand.


Combat UI concept

Post with 1 views. Combat UI concept



Looks good. One little change i would appreciate would be to change the position of ap and hp for the enemy. Looks more uniform and organized then.


Eyy I see a bull there. Will your game contain beast action, dogs? I'm all for that but it's up to you. Not everyone like the same fetishes.


Would love to see something like that as well.


The combat system looks awesome. Great work!


Wait, she has her sword in the left hand on some pose and in the right hand in another one.

Jordan Reinert

didnt really think it needed changing aw well improvement too your fantastic game is welcome btw will the clothing system be added next update just askin


希望能有戰鬥脫衣h或損壞 會更加吸引人:-) !!


Hey just became a $10 patreon so just dropping a message. Great work with the game so far looking forward to next update.


the 2nd H-RPG with animation i liked so far with a lot of potential...This will make the H-RPG Genre great again.Keep up the good i mean the hard work.


yeah battle looks awesome right now. But if it gonna be looks like old battle system, i mean easy 2 win, sad then. 1st u beat the tiger, next one is SERBERUS. a lot of em. And some beetles. Most disappointment what u can kill em, SERBERUS, i mean, in two blows of sword. They all got same stats and damage. Not a big deal, but it still rpg. And even here i want working rpg system, dont be like ff15 =)


I know, I'm not good enough at doing 'balance stuffs', so let's leave it be like that for now. And in old game, most of you who has played with the save file from previous version would beat those monsters easily because I've wrongly set Attack damage of default sword, this advantage would last forever unless you re-play from beginning with latest version.


Hey Rannero, how long, we spoke in the last month. My friend good luck in your work, I consider your game one of the best Hentai NTRPG games Aside from the fact that her characters are unique, playing with Yuuki gave her more life xD I remember seeing her images and now she is the main character playable by all of us, we love Yuuki and we love you too, good luck my friend o / I am also developing a netorare story, more confessing than sorry for the characters who will be horny ahuehaueaheauehaua


Yes my friend, I'll tell you in discord if you want, after I finish it. I'm training a lot with the drawings too. I'm going to divulge your game a lot here in Brazil, you can win more bosses if more people know about your work, I'll help as I can.