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I know this isn't very creative, but I'm really proud of it. Once these checks clear I will be totally 100% up to date on my taxes!

I know that's, like, a totally normal and boring thing for most people but this is a really big deal for me. 

I haven't been terribly creative recently because I've been taking care of life things that I've ignored for far too long. But here we are,
Taxes DONE!
Teeth almost totally FIXED!
Mysterious cough now mysteriously GONE! (my theory is that I had an infection of some kind which was inadvertently fixed by all the antibiotics I was taking for my various teeth surgeries.)
Meeting with a psychologist to possibly get medication to help with my ADD, depression, and anxiety, SCHEDULED!

I'm sorry that this is probably not interesting but I think it will help me be a better artist because I will spend less time being paralyzed by fear and depression. More time=more art.
