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I  had jury duty today but luckily I brought my computer along with me  because it gave me time to work on grafics. I got a little stuck on  Saint Chloe though and was hoping ya'll could give me some opinions. 

The  original image I was working with had Chloe in all black but I didn't want her to look like one big mass of black so I gave her a brightly  colored underpainting to give the black some texture and  differentiation. But now I don't know if I want to keep the bright colors  or go all the way to black or some combination thereof.

Any thoughts?




According to popular legend, if you go with black it's a one-way trip, or something to that effect. Not sure I understand, but it gets repeated pretty frequently, so there must be some sage wisdom of the years there. In all seriousness, it seems much more immediately recognizable as Chloe in the black to me, but I just don't really associate her mentally with brighter colors. I'm sure she had some frequently in the series, but it's not what my mental image produces when I try to think of her.