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One good thing about setting up my craft room is that it's made me go through my old art and sketch books. I came across this. I like it, but I don't think it's finished. Of course, I have no idea what would make it finished. It also brought up something that I assume a lot of artists deal with; after a break up, what do you do with the art? I'm not on good terms with the person this is modeled on. Even if I was, I don't know if he would want it. It's not exactly hang-on-the-mantle material. It would be nice to make it into something I could put on redbubble, but I'm not sure it's something people would want on a tshirt. I have a few other pieces in a similar boat, pieces that just make me think "oh, cool, a good drawing of a terrible person... Now what?"




Maybe treat it like a study? Then if you're interested in doing more with it, recreate it with a different person's face.


Burn it. Let it go. You don't need to finish everything. Especially if it's something attached to a part of your life that is finished.