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I'm not good at eating healthy. Everything good about my body is a genetic fluke. But it's been proved to me over and over that eating healthy things makes my body and brain work better, so I try to do it. I hope that someday I won't spend two weeks feeling exhausted before I remember "oh yeah, eating iron makes me feel like a person again." But, I usually have to make a mistake several times before I remember a lesson so we'll see. Usually I wouldn't go anywhere near something that looked like this, but I made it for myself so I knew it would be good. I'd sworn off spinach many years ago till a fancy brunch place served me an incarnation of spinach that I actually *liked* and I recognized enough of the flavors to Google a similar recipe. And this recipe is easy AF and hella cheap so I'm gonna share it with you. Put a large pot on a burner on medium heat. Throw washed spinach in one handful at a time while stirring. Keep stirring it it looks like those shriveled up lost souls in Ursula the Seawitch's front yard. Take it all out, wipe off the inside of the pot, then put it back on the burner. Melt 2 tablespoons of butter (or more!) with a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar (or more!) Throw the spinach back in and season with salt till it's delicious. So easy! To made it a "salad" I added cous cous, which is even easier to make! Boil any amount of water and add in the same amount of cous cous. Add some oil, stir, cover and it'll be food in, like, five minutes. This is a good meal if you're depressed or exhausted. It's not much harder than making ramen and it's waaaay better for you.



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