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It took several pitches but I finally got this essay published. I feel incredibly lucky that I finally managed to learn from my mistakes and that I was able to find partners that are actually happy being polyamorus with me.

I think one of the best things I ever did for myself was to be completely upfront about my desires, not just that I wanted to be polyamorus, but that I wanted to be in loving, committed, relationship. It was that line in my profile that caught Johnny's attention and, hopefully, scared off a lot of fuckboys.


I'm Never Going To Be A "Good" Polyamorous Person

"I'm never going to be a 'good' polyamorous person," I confessed to my soon to be ex-boyfriend, my voice cracking. "I'm not going to take things slow and get permission and be fine with vetos and spend lots of time talking and processing. I just can't." He took my hand, eyes filled with compassion.



I shared it with one of my Facebook Poly groups and it went over really well. Well done. :)


Omg I love everything about this. Definitely applicable to all areas of life. I'm glad your brilliance gets to be shared with a broader audience! <3