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I got up ass early yesterday so I could get all fancied up and shoot at Coney Island for Rita's Sesame street show.

It was a little awkward riding the subway in costume, and more than a little cold at the beach. But luckily part of my costume is basically a big fuzzy blanket, so it wasn't that bad. Rita's Elmo costume wasn't much more than a bra and panties with a giant fuzzy shrug thing, so I got off easy.

Coney Island was...a bit more populated than you'd expect an amusement park to be at 10am on a cold Tuesday but not by much so we only got catcalled a little. Our photographer was Ben Trivett so the shoot was a lot of fun and I'm sure will yield some fun and bizarre shots. I've you're not familiar with Ben's work, I highly recommend his stuff.
He's done a ton of great portraits of burlesquers and celebrities as well as a lot of weird ass projects (zombie fashion shoots! Photos recreating your worst night of drinking!) and he shoots with a speed and confidence I find utterly stunning. I once did a photoshoot with him that lasted, literally, less than 10 minutes.

I was lucky we had Ben because I only had an hour to shoot before I had to run off to work. I took off my makeup and wig but still ended up getting there late with blue glitter on my face (and wearing a cocktail dress.) But I was working at NYU so people just assumed I was a student.



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