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Hey, not much to post up image-wise since recently i've been working on the programming and putting in all the variables and boring things like that. Here's the tower icon which will be placed on the map where the evil Sorceress resides.

Aside from this, I've been thinking about adding a capture function to the game, where you can send off your assistant to capture various girls (i'm thinking of having different races, skin types, hair styles ect... ) and then put them to work. But it's the work part that I'm struggling to come up with any ideas for. What function do the captives have in relation to the world domination quest?

So far I have, milking for milk (but what is the purpose of collecting milk), renting out to customers for money(that one's OK), making examples out of one or two (to instill fear?), having them harvest sexual energy through sex....

It's hot to be able to capture girls and have them work for you, but it seems pointless if they serve no function except to be sexy. I think there needs to be some useful tasks they provide which ties in with progress of the quest.

Again I don't want to make it too complex, so I'm trying to come up with something simple, relevant and of course fun. Any ideas would be much appreciated.



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