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I recently got contacted by Patreon's Trust and Safety team regarding my content not meeting Patreon's Community Guidelines.

To be honest I'd been half expecting this to happen at some point, and of course I understand Patreon have to protect themselves too.

Which means I've been forced to make some changes. The good news is that we won't be shut down - as long the the rules are adhered to.

What's been changed:

- Games which don't meet Patreon's guidelines and all references to the games have been removed from Patreon. (You can access the old games still from my itch.io page)

- Together Again has been slightly modified. I updated version 0.2.3b - you can view the changelog here in the description: https://www.patreon.com/posts/40623785

- Games which didn't meet Patreon's rules have also been removed from Newgrounds. (I decided to do this so I can still keep Patreon linked to Newgrounds, and focus on future projects.)

It's a bit of a hassle but better than being suspended. And the good thing is that development Together Again will be going on pretty much the same as usual.  

If you have any questions please feel free to comment below or PM me.  Thank you all!



Hopefully we can still get the normal version in some shape, maybe if you stuck it in as an option vs a baseline feature- easter egg menu style


Maybe - I'll let you know about it later on when things have calmed down


Really hope you can find some way to do your true vision. Maybe at the end release it on your io page either way you have my support


Can someone share the relevant bit of the changelog for those of us in the lower tiers? I'd like to see what's going to change.

Collar Spider

I know fanbox is a good alternative, do you have a twitter that we can follow in case you abruptly get shut down one and we can't find you


I changed the dialogue in Quest 3 (beach one) , during the sex scene for the 'harsh' route. Instead of forcing your way into her, you instead do it more gently and get her to tell you she actually wants it rough. Also, I changed the dialogue for the punishment scenes. 1) Removed anything mentioning tears. 2) When she receives maximum punishment she no longer passes out in pain, but instead retains consciousness, staying highly aroused at the same time. Only a few slight changes here and there - no major rewriting of any scenes


Got it. Rough dom/sub sex bad, masochism good. Oh, the world we live in.

Collar Spider

Yeah that, I don't personally know how it works compared to patreon i just know a guy that moved there after patreon took him down


Will u be making 2 versions one with pantheon guidelines and one how it was originally intended?


What if you made the games behind a paywall on itch.io? Or at least the games that still have the mind break aspect to their story.


Since it's a Japanese site, I'm guessing I'd have to censor genitals with a mosiac. Or host my games somewhere else and use that just for people who want to support me


For now I'm sticking to the rules. If I did make another version it wouldn't be much different to the one which follows the guidelines anyway - the basic story would be the same

Collar Spider

Hm I really don't know i just know that some people have taken refuge there from patreon but hopefully it doesn't come to that

Queen Of Darkness

Also can I ask why you removed your previous works from newgrounds? Are you having the same problem there too?


I wanted to keep Newgrounds connected with Patreon as a lot of traffic seems to come from there. However, even sites that refer to Patreon also mustn't contain material that breaches Patreon's community guidelines - so the Patreon Gods have informed me. Therefore I moved all my edgier stuff to itch, which I plan to keep separate from Patreon.


I get it, it sucks but I get it. At least they gave you the opportunity to fix the issues and didn't just deplatform you. Other platforms don't have the same user trust and ease as Patreon so definitely the best decision to follow their rules.


I never have the heart to force my way on the girls and never choose the rough way, so it's fine by me. But Patreon shouldn't criticize those scenes from the moral high ground IMO. I mean, who would use patreon if there is no adult content on it.


It is sad to hear that you have to self censor your works, but I get it. Hope everything will work out for you.


I have subscribed to artists on Pixiv fanbox and I think it's worth looking into, at least. The pixilated censorship is really only for works that can be found publicly, if I'm not mistaken, but even public works you can have them uncensored as long as they're the second image in a set. Now regarding the fanbox rules: All the art I have received from artists is uncensored. I believe because these are private downloads/posts. I may be mistaken but that has been my experience with fanbox. I don't want to get political but I'll just say that I'm deeply troubled by the puritanical direction a lot of western content-platforms (youtube, twitter, reddit) have been going in. It is a new "moral panic" and niche artists such as yourself are the "canaries in a coal mine" of what's to come. Very troubling.


I agree with you. Art is one of the most effective, passionate and creative method to express fantasies and should not be restricted as long as no racism or hatred involved.


While I understand that some guidelines and rules should be in place, but it's getting out of hand. One user here mentioned a "moral panic" I guess this is what's going on here ... ART should not be restricted. period.


I'm sorry to hear they're giving you a hard time, but I'm glad you're taking it well. It's their platform and all, so although it's annoying I can understand their position. Hope they made their guidelines clear enough that they won't get on your case again at least.


How is this going to affect your future projects? Since i am pretty Sure the stuff patreon does not like is the stuff i support you for. Slave Lord was what made me do it and is to this day my favorite game of yours. Could you Split some of your work from your patreon just pro forma? Id hate to never get to experimence the pink tea flavor of debaucher again.


A shame patreon even censors your earlier works on Newgrounds like that. Atleast you can continue going I guess. Kinda funny thinking they had to play through the game to give such detailed feedback.


Is there any way to still view the now removed content? Will you maybe upload different builds with that content on other sites? Love your stuff, I'll keep supporting you regardless, but if you move over to subscribestar and get to restore all the removed stuff I'd certainly move over there instead.


I may be able to release my original games on another site. If I do, I'll do a post about this later on explaining it better


The guidelines are pretty vague, but in the email they send me it was clear what points they wanted me to change.


Agreed. But since it's their platform I'm not the one to make the rules.

Blue Saber

Big sad. I really enjoy the content you create. glad it can continue.


I thought this was an April fools thing at first, man patreon can be a pain sometimes. Hope you find a way to release uncensored versions


I may be able to still. I'll let you know how it all works out soon.


I just started supporting you but looks like I have to cancel since I dont support censoring. If you move to a better platform please tell me.


I'm not sure how allowed it would be but would it not be possible to put your previous games on mega and then distribute them via the discord?


I canceled my pledge some time ago since the current project is not my cup of (pink)tea but i had hoped your next game would be more to my liking. It seems chances of that happening are slim to none with rampant Patreon censorship. Funny how Steam which is a much bigger and mainstream platform allows even translated, uncensored(through patches) japanese h-games with straight up rape but Patreon wants to be holier-than-thou.


Previous games are downloadable here- https://pinktea-games.itch.io/ Original version of TA, I'm still thinking on that.


Unfortunately, where there's a chance of my entire income being wiped out in one fell swoop, I have no choice but to err on the side of caution when it comes to the content in my current Patreon project. If I'm able to keep on releasing whatever I want on Subscribestar without Patreon objecting then I'll move my unfiltered content over there. I will keep you all posted on that front anyway.


Alternative version of TA (renamed to Save Of Passion) will be updated here from now on; https://subscribestar.adult/pinktea


Alternative version of TA (renamed to Save Of Passion) will be updated here from now on; https://subscribestar.adult/pinktea


Alternative version of TA (renamed to Save Of Passion) will be updated here from now on; https://subscribestar.adult/pinktea


Alternative version of TA (renamed to Save Of Passion) will be updated here from now on; https://subscribestar.adult/pinktea


Alternative version of TA (renamed to Save Of Passion) will be updated here from now on; https://subscribestar.adult/pinktea


Alternative version of TA (renamed to Save Of Passion) will be updated here from now on; https://subscribestar.adult/pinktea


Alternative version of TA (renamed to Save Of Passion) will be updated here from now on; https://subscribestar.adult/pinktea


Alternative version of TA (renamed to Save Of Passion) will be updated here from now on; https://subscribestar.adult/pinktea