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Just a small update:

-  Added Feed floor  (rank 5+)
- Added Yoga work


Real life got a bit hectic this past week, but I managed to build something.
Hope you like it.  


Nimbus Shadowwings

i relize it would be hard but i thought id throw an idea your way, if you go down the harsher route i think she should wear her collar at all times, feels werid she takes it off, and perhaps in some scenes instead of body writing you could do tattoos, or make a tattoo scene marking her


Would be nice if it was a bit more simple to implement - but I think it would be too much of a headache to put into practice

Nimbus Shadowwings

understandable, just a shame, and perhaps something to keep in mind for any future projects, thats one of the very few things id change about your work, more permanence, permanent collaring tattoos etc, though i get things like that are hard to implement mid way through, and you know more about the process than i do, just something that id love to see as a feature in the future (if possible). just food for thought


Thanks - maybe that kind of thing could be implemented better if I planned it from the start. I may think about doing something like that in future projects.