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Made this for the start menu.

I might call the game 'together again' .
Waddya rekon?

Or something about broken...shards....pieces... Any good ideas throw em this way. 




I dont know how shes written but if shes fragile in the beginning you could call it "Shards of Glass" if shes portrayed as a fragile thing that can either be broken or rebuilt in something new and strong.


How about "Shattered"?


"Reflections" could allude to the idea that there could be different "images" of her depending on how you treat her. Also alludes to Diana Ross and the Supreme´s "Reflections", which is precisely about a person broken after falling out of a love. "Imago: Broken Selves" "Glass Hearts" "Shards of our selves" "Kalleidoscope: Broken soul" "Gaze on a Broken Mirror" In general I think you have to value what do you want the story to be about. What are you really trying to tell with this story, and find words to weave it into the title. One-word titles are flat- they have no story and only convey the basic idea. They work if the reader knows about the facts and can fill in the gaps ("Shattered in which sense? Why? How did it came to?"), but on the other hand, they leave no doubt of what the focus is. Long-winded titles like "Shattered heart: Promise and Healing of a broken girl" or somesuch do tell a story in depth, but they are impractical. No one is gona reply with the full title when someome asks "Hey, what are you playing?", and I can guarantee that if this ever goes up in e.g. DLCsite, people won´t register what they read after the third word. Trick would be to find a way to "tell" the story or single out the most important element in 2-4 words, IMO. Anything more is cumbersome, anything less is generic.


"Together again" is good and positive. Have you ever played the game "mirror" on steam? Maybe it will be a great seller if called "broken mirror" or "mirror pieced again"


“Jagged Edges”


Thanks. Yeah some good points. What you said about fitting the title to the story makes sense. Since I haven't decided exactly where the story will go, and will probably make some significant adjustments to plot and character, maybe it's still early to decide on the title.


Sounds like what the Dark Lord would choose to name his favorite serrated dagger.


What about "Whole again"?


How bout "Once Broken, Now Renewed"

Frog Sort

Some feedback: I like this direction/design overall, but the character art looks a little too young for my taste.


I was a fan of "whole again" I've seen a few people say that one.


"Happily Ever After"


"Broken back to health" "Shattered anew" "Different" (due to the fact she prefers being broken to being healed) Or any combinations of the above Haven't had much time to play the demo, but I love what I've been able to see, I like the slow start and the fact you actually are building something with the character (reminds me of SLotG), and I think it was a strong point in that game. Anyway, thanks for the updates and keep up the good work :)


Thanks. A bit more food for thought. Glad you like the game so far too.


"Breaking alive" "Shattered to Heal" "Shattered to Feel" "Heal is Pain"