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Hey guys, gals and everyone else in between.

Just a quick update since I haven't posted anything in a while to let you know I'm alive and that the game's being worked on.

I don't usually discuss much of my personal life but I recently got divorced (just to put you at ease it wasn't caused by anything to do with work - she was cool with that). But obviously it's been a stressful time and has lowered my output a little over the past few weeks.

Still, this isn't a sob story designed to get sympathy or an excuse for lack of progress; simply letting you know that I will occasionally have my ups and downs, and wanted you to understand that development doesn't always go at an ideally consistent pace, but ebbs and flows with my moods, personal circumstances etc. Though, of course, I do do my best to keep the debauchery coming out strong.

Anyways, sob story over. I'm working on the scene above. It includes some electric shock therapy and a magically vibrating orb. Pain or pleasure. That's what we're all about here.

So my thanks to all you fine patrons of the dark arts! Fingers crossed for another build by the end of the month!



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