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The development of new Flash game is nearing an end. I'm just now adding a few extras to the game such as costumes and variable hair and eye colors.

I'm also getting a voice actress to record several track of sexy moaning, breathing, gasping and orgasming sounds; the icing the cake that will be added last of all.

Yup, so give me a week or two more and she'll be ready and greased up for action!  





I dont know why, but i missed this art style so much


Im not saying the new one is bad, I really just missed this 🤣


I know what you mean! This style is awesome because of it's simplicity or something. I dont know how to explain it actually..


Well, it'll appear from time to time. I do like drawing - it just takes a lot of time and energy which can be put to other uses when I get someone else to do it


i get this, but i like "the original PT-style" more. looking forward to this sideproject :-)


Is it a full game ? or a demo of it? o:


OMG the maid outfit is adorable<3 will these be secret outfits? Those were fun to look for.


out of curiosity do you think there will be an android version of this one too?


New voices is a great idea :) The repetitive voice samples in the SL games were the only thing I didn't like.


looks good will wait like the right version of the dress

Thomas Gottschalk

Will it be possible for the elf game (or this one too) to make harsh/nice-choices more meaningful? In the SLOG-games, it hardly mattered whether you were nice or harsh up until the last part (where it mattered a little). Maybe include a scene that is only available for harsh and one only for nice for replay value too? (i remember that was the case in slave lord game with the witch, forgot her name)


Not for Flash games, I'm afraid. You can play via Puffin browser so I'm told, though never tried myself.


It will still be the same concept as SL and SLOG, but yes, since there are fewer sex scenes in this game it should not end up feeling as repetitive.


This one isn't a training game like the previous Flash games, though there are kind and harsh choices. This one's more of a mini-story with a few A or B choices, which slightly alters the path.


Oh nice was going to mention if there were different voices you can adapt to the action, but I didn't know how much work you would have to go thru to add at this point. Looking forward to this update.


That should work then. The old sounds were ok, just if you hear same specific sound over and over it gets annoying and feels artificial and breaks immersion.


Each sound loop will be about 30 seconds, so hopefully will be long enough to not sound too repetitive. Also, one thing I'm going to add this time is a muffled voice version for when she's wearing a gag.