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Hey guys and gals, another sketch for a new scene in upcoming Flash game.

This is unrelated but I stumbled across a site called Subscribestar, which seems to be more of less a clone of Patreon and noticed a lot of NSFW creators on there. I'm curious if any of you know anything about it that I should be aware of?

I've been on the lookout for an alternative to Patreon and it looks like it's arrived. Of course, this is still my main den of debauchery, but if I build up a decent following on Subscribestar I'll be able to rest easier at night knowing all my eggs aren't in one basket, and at least Patreon can't render me jobless with the press of a button.

Anyway, rambling aside, my profile is here: https://www.subscribestar.com/pinktea

If any of you are having payment problems perhaps you could give this site a try instead.

Also, just to let you know I cheekily upped the main tier at subscribestar to $4 - simply because it seems a lot of the competition are setting theirs at $5, and because I'm a greedy bastard.



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