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There seems to be a higher rate of declined payments this month, not just for me but all creators.

Patreon has recently moved it's banking to the UK, which has caused some US banks to flag Patreon transactions as suspicious.

If this is the case for you, according to Patreon you may have to contact your bank to confirm that payments to Patreon are not fraudulent.

Maybe for those people experiencing problems Patreon support has contacted you already, but if not then I hope this helps.

Thanks Estoc bestoc for drawing my attention to the issue in the first place!


Sunghei Leung

I think my payment got thru, though not sure...


They did this to mine last month and I called the bank to fix it, everything’s fine this month


Will there be any message to me, if you don't get the payment? If not please contact me if there will be any problems


There should be a message sent to you by Patreon in the case of payments not being processed. But anyway, I can confirm that your payment went through this month. Thank you!


I somehow managed it myself hehe


Not just limited to the US. Canadian banks are blocking payments also.


I got hit with it last month but this month went through fine. Good to know, it doesn't seem to be a consistent issue.