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Hey guys and gals. I hope those of you who tested the latest build enjoyed it.

Today, I've been putting together a mini-game where we get to brew some spells in Ember's cauldron.

And that's not a euphemism, by the way. It's just some old old fashioned black magic, with some mushrooms, berries and the summoning of unholy monstrosities from the dark dimensions. Your standard day for a witch.

I even did a bit of artwork myself (which you can probably tell), but it's much faster to do these little things myself rather than waiting for an artist's commission.

I don't think there's any more news to impart. Any queries about the latest build that I might have missed, just PM me or post below.

Thank you!




An alchemy system sounds like a fun addition. It sounds like it'll be used to unlock extra scenes, or maybe some level of character customization? Would be neat to be able to mess with our elves hairstyles and such, though that would probably mean a lot of new art for scenes that are already completed.


im confused...where is this game...don't hate me i am still new to patreon.


<a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/elf-game-demo-19556510">https://www.patreon.com/posts/elf-game-demo-19556510</a> Click on the file which corresponds to your OS (Windows, Linux, Mac), extract the file, and then click on the .exe. For future reference, keep an eye out for posts which have the version name in them and update. From what I've seen those posts usually have the link to the demo.


I do have a question about the save system. Is it autosave? If so, I hope you can change it so that we can save anytime.


Yes, it autosaves at regular points. Ideally I would like to have a save system like in Renp'y where you can choose the slot and make a save whenever you like but it's quite difficult to program for me. It's not on my list of most-urgent things to do, but maybe one day I will look into it again.


It's not a system, just a short minigame that leads to a sex scene. Character customization seems to be a pretty popular request. Hair styles I wouldn't be able to change for every scene. It would be too much work for something that doesn't actually move the story forward. I could add customization hair and clothes perhaps just for the dialogue images. Though it 's yet another layer of complexity that I'm weary of getting into with my first game in Unity. Have to be careful not to bite off more than I can chew!


Are you still looking for a title for the game, as its says in the description for the patreon? Because I think that Elven Conquest is a pretty good name for it already, instead of a placeholder, but if that really is the name, then in the overview description area it still says game to be named


Right, I don't know why, but I was thinking Brewskys was a completely different game than Eleven Conquest.


Elven Conquest is the one I'm going with for now. Prior to that I was calling it simply 'Elf Trainer Game'. Yeah, I'll try to change that name now, Thanks for pointing that out.


Ah, I see. I was just talking about 'brewing', potions that is, not ale.


I actually prefer your art. Not that the new artists are bad, I just like yours better. Just my opinion though.


True, I imagine you'd have to get every scene redrawn several times just for the hair styles. Out of curiosity, would it be much easier to keep the hair styles but have the option of changing the color only, or would that be just as difficult?


No problem, love your games, cant wait for the next one!


I'm new here, are updates monthly. I know that it's very hard to make games especially when you are going for quality I'm just wondering how often I can expect to play new versions of the game


Hey there and welcome. Yes, I try to get 1 new build out every month, and usually manage to. Don't expect massive updates though. I typically add two new sex scenes to each build, sometimes one if there were other things to implement, other times three if everything goes smoothly.


I'm flattered you think that. Hey, I may start a new game one of these days as myself as the artist. Just a small game and I'd take it slow so it doesn't become too much work.