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Hey guys, been a bit quiet lately as there's not much to say other than I've been working on putting in the dialogue and testing things. The next update is almost ready, I'll release it within the next few days. It's a minor update, with 4 new sex interactions (if I remember correctly).

I think about 3 more updates in total and the game will be fully complete. I'm aiming for the final release in May and it looks like we're on track to hit that date.

Once again my eternal thanks to you all!



I still can't get over how good last updates animations were. Looking forward to this one just as much!

Peter T

Do you have your next project planned out?


I can't wait everything is great so far.


you are awesome


I can't wait everything is great so far


Couldn't be more eager.


Thanks for making some great non vanilla sex games for those of us that enjoy that type of thing.


does "final release" mean all 3 parts put together or just the end of part 3?


Do you plan to do more sex scenes with females other than our slaves? For example, I like Eve and her cousin but we didn't have a chance to fuck them properly. (I mean, we did fuck Eve's cousin, but just in tentacle form and we didn't fuck Eve at all)


I second this. I would love to see a little more of Eve and her cousin if possible :)


yeah, planned vaguely but not yet created. I've been testing out and learning a few things in Unity so when it comes to make the game hopefully I can get the first build out without too much of a wait.


I agree it would be awesome but for now I'm just planning to finish off Selene's story and thus conclude the game. In the future, there's always chance for a further addition or two though.


Maybe in Slave Lord of the Galaxy: Special Edition? lol


Mostly I am wondering if we get to fuck some of the other sisterhood girls, such as Lily, or the hot doctor, or even the priest, and teacher we possessed. Other wise it seems kind of a waste of so much mind control.


That sounds good to me, but I would like it better if they could be trained as to have a harem of subs. :)


I was thinking too bad after we make Kaleena our slave we can't do the humiliation day sequence with her.


What about being able to fuck the Scientist of the sisterhood, could be fun.