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Here's a sketch of the Elf that was voted in the other day.

She also has a sexy apprentice/assistant that I'll post up for you sometime soon.




Fuck yes You're getting better and better at this, man.


Shes very cute and sexy, even from the sketch you can tell theres a lot of attention to details - this new artist is awesome.


BUM BUM BUM BUM!!!! you just found Zelda....lol great work...i just opened treasure in a zelda game for this


Ticc bless


It's not my work. I just paid for it. The artist is a pro and has a Patreon here: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/umebox">https://www.patreon.com/umebox</a>


Yup, they're really good. And quality comes at a price! Luckily there's enough patronage on here for me to be able to afford top notch art now.

Serpen Thrope

Probably a silly request, but could you provide an option to turn her eyes solid black for Pathfinder fans? (Paizo wanted to make their elves a bit more distinct from D&amp;D)


Sorry, that won't be possible. She has several sets of expressions and to create a solid-black eye version for each one would be too much of a task.


Fucking love it


OK, I was wondering how you'd made such a dramatic change from your usual style!


Is there an option for smaller boobs?


Again, I did try including different boob sized in SLOG but it soon became apparent that I had just massively multiplied the amount of work for a relatively minor feature. All the work it takes to add different boob sizes would equate to several more sex scenes, and I think it's a better investment to spend time on the latter. There will also be an assistant character who has slightly smaller tits than this girl.


She already looks gorgeous!


I already love this elf. you know when you can expect 3 chapter SLOG? or a new game? because I can not wait! :D


Third part of SLOG I've just started making so it will be a few months before it's complete. I might be able to release a demo build of it in Jan or Feb. As for the new game, I'm currently getting some of the art assets drawn for me. I expect it'll be releasable in an alpha state sometime around Spring next year.

Drake Draven

Oh I adore her!!! This is going to be very nice.


I'm curious about the story line for the new game


I'm probably gonna keep this simple so I can focus on the animations and gameplay. Less of a story, and more of a scenario where the Elf girl undergoes the usual transformation from spunky heroin to submissive whore.