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Hello there,

Some of you ask me if I could make animations for now and... I can't for two reasons :
- Making animation include really, really more time. If you see the videogame, you see 2D animations I make with 2D layers. It takes me a lots of time but that nothing compare to 3D animations. More keyframe, more light and shadows parameters and
- 2nd reason, render take times, reallllly a lots of time.

1 pictures I make (png without stuff like bed, wall etc...) it's 5-30 minutes depending if there are details (close up it's 30 minutes). Don't forget also post treatment, I think you can see, the last comics have it. And I don't talk about the time I make to build a pics (camera angle, posing, light), I just talk about render and I don't mention the story I write also.

Now imagine a video, just 10 secondes. How many pics do you have ? 24 per seconds so 240 pics for 10 seconds. 120 hours for a render.

I just can't for now, I don't have time for it and even if I have a computer that can make 5 hours for a video of 1minutes, I don't have time to make it. And I have to say it, I prefer make PNG pictures because I don't have so much times.

I prefer working on the videogame and make this my biggest project but that's why I think about something...

If you see, the videogame pre alpha, just a simple runner, have animation. As I said before, I make it with 2D layers based on porn pics. I didn't have DAZ
D when I use it so I just "recovering" the pics and make layers.

It takes times... Yes... It is. That's a static animation yes... But with sound, with DAZ3D, I could do that again.

And I have to be clear, I don't take a lots of comissions, zero for now, because sometimes you ask me to do something I don't want to do. But that... I fucking love it.

So if you want that's type of animation, yes, I can do it so tell me !


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