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<code>Hello there,

As you probably seen, I'm not very active lately and this for many reasons. Lots of thing to do, yes, but especially a lack of inspiration.

As you probably see, I make comics and I like this. I tried to make a story with some background but the more time passes the more it bores me. I tried to make the third comics and I left it on break to do a mini sequence.

And you no what, I prefer to do this. A simple sequence, no story, no dialog, no script, only pictures. I love to work on the pictures, camera angle, depth field, the model and the light. Also, with Photoshop, Gimp or Photofiltre, you can make you're own story and add the background you want. I could give you tips if you want, my PM are open for that.

Comics take to much time and I could use this time to make more contents and work on animation.

And I think, like me, you prefer animation, with sound, mouvement and I think you will also like to see my videogame to play it.

Then in addition, I'm a French guy who don't speak English very well so why put dialog whereas I can make more sequences, work on animation and make the videogames ?

That why, I won't do comics anymore, just pics or sequence to work on the renders, model, animation and release the videogame.

On this subjet, I've got a great idea for it. Rather than making a runner, I will make a plateform video games with different level. So I could make a game simple to developp and at each new versions add news levels with news enemys. Simple for me to developp and always intersting for you.

So I hope you will love what will coming but I promise, if I no longer do comics, you will love what's going to happen</code><code>Happy holidays and as we say in my country, au revoir.



Honestly, I think it’s good to recognize what sort of projects you like the most and focus your attention on those. I look forward to seeing what you come up with!


And if you ever decide that you’d like to try comics again as a collaboration where someone else handles the dialogue and scriptwriting part, let me know.


Clearly, besides, I'm someone who lose very quickly his inspiration, so I have to make what I want. I hope you will like what will coming.


For a collaboration, we will see, but not yet. And I have to learn to improve my English.