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Hey all! Thank you everyone for all your support, it's a great to know that people like what I make. 

While Patreon is a very handy source of support, I do see it as more of a Tip Jar with benefits.

With that in mind I'm making a few changes, mostly moving benefits from higher tiers to lower ones. This will probably mean some of your may want to lower your tiers, and that's fine! I would generally like people to support with what they can and have benefits more of a side effect. 

These changes won't happen until April the 1st, so nothing will change until then.


thank (Tier 1)

  • + Access to all finished art (public & patreon) and exclusive alts, as soon as it's finished! (From April 1st) (Added from Tier 2)

big thank (Tier 2)

  • + Timelapse videos (From April 1st) (Added from Tier 3)

great thank! and above (Tier 3+)

  • No changes (Current benefits + all from lower tiers)

Sketch Reward Tiers

  • Removed (already contacted anyone who would be affected by this!)

If you've already paid for a tier that will be changing you'll still receive all the benefits of that tier for this month. If you've paid for a lower tier, you won't receive any new benefits until next month.

Thank you for reading! I'm also open to any feedback or suggestions you may have on these changes or in general, so please let me know here or through messages!


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