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Emma treks up a beanstalk with a not-too-trustworthy Captain Hook to steal a compass from a murderous Giant, and Emma's past is revealed.

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Suzanne Hunt

This is my favorite episode of season 2. I love Emma's backstory and I love Emma and Hook's dynamic!


I’m so excited to start this one - it ties with another episode for my favorite of the season!


The second you talked about Hook being a team flopper the only thing I could think of was the quote, "The upside of being in it for yourself, Wes—you always end up on the winning team." - Lilah Morgan


I love this episode but as I grew up I relayed that there was probably a rather disturbing age difference between Emma and Neal (she was probably 16 or 17 when they met) even if we don't have that impression since they kept the lead actress of adult emma


I love The tension and dynamic between Emma and Hook This episode


with this series it's better not to pay attention to the CGI it's not a big budget series it's on a basic American channel 😅

Poison Ivy

As far as I know, they had a 6 year difference. Not so bad but probably a bit concerning if she was 17, almost 18. Thankfully their relationship isn't unbalanced in regards to power dynamics.


I love this episode. I understand why August looks like a jerk for what he did to Emma. But I believe he thought he was trying to help her by "straightening" her out. Think about it, she was a child with no supervision and as soon as she became an adult she was robbing and making poor choices. If she continued down this path, she would have never fulfilled her destiny as the savior. But thanks to august for making her pay the consequences of her actions, she straightened out and came out of prison a reformed Emma. she appeared to be employed and on the right track when we meet her in Ep 1. Also, her getting all that money would have possibly led to some poor choices, considering her track record. He wanted her to work for a better life. I would say considering how things turned out, his plan to put her on the right path worked.


I always assumed he left the money in the car


I guess but still A 16-17 Year old girl dating someone who is 22-23 is not normal


Question: What would have to be in the basket to make YOU (not some character from the show) Drop Emma like a Stone. Knowing full well that the guy showing it to you could be and ex screwing with her....