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Crazy Handful of Nothin'

The side-effects of chemotherapy begin to plague Walt, who is also cooking meth again, and Jesse's friend, Skinny Pete, introduces him to a distributor named Tuco, but things go awry and Jesse ends up hospitalised.

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“There was absolutely zero reason for Walt to explain the phone call to Hank. He’s such a bad liar - and a good liar too.” OMG. Yes!! Walt can’t help himself. He always goes way overboard when trying to cover stuff up, and it makes it so obvious he’s being shady. I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone else point that out, but it’s always bothered me. Like, why, Walt?! Why are you still talking??


Yes this episode is the episode that reveals a taste how amazing this show will get, and honestly it doesn't remotely do justice to how amazing it actually gets lol.


It's a well observed classic lying mistake. When planning a lie / cover people come up with a bunch of details to make sure their lie makes sense, then when telling the lie they put too much of that detail in the telling that a normal non lying person wouldn't bother to elaborate on. Is what makes Walt's lies so funny and well observed lol.


Yeah, I know. I just always found it odd that no other reactors that I’ve seen have called it out. Everyone just thinks Walt’s some master manipulator, when his lies are so obvious - most of the time


“It’s all about his feelings of not being appreciated - for how great he is.” Exactly. Watching you react to this is so satisfying. I can’t tell you how frustrating it’s been watching people claim that Walt is just “doing this for his family.” There’s one other reaction channel that understands what really motivates Walt, but 95% of them are blind, or they identify so strongly with Walt and only want to see themselves as “good” too.

Henry Sowell

I'm glad we can finally talk about bald Walt. I didn't mention it before because I didn't want to spoil his "transformation" in this episode, but it was so weird seeing the early episodes where he still had hair. Bald Walt is definitely the best Walt.

Mark Johnson

I completely agree with Sivan, there are so many reactor's to Breaking Bad that totally miss the point of the show and Walt's arc. Case in point I see so many people who interpret Walt's fit in the car as fear or guilt, but you accurately saw it as an adrenaline rush, and your statement "Some one just found their life's passion." was brilliant. Can't wait for the rest.

Mark Johnson

I'm pretty sure Walt is not referring to Werner Heisenberg the man but the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle which states the in quantum mechanics you can't accurately study two physical properties of an object simultaneously. The more accurately you study one the less accurate the other becomes. Hence as Tucco accurately observed Walt as an older, weaker man who knows nothing about the drug business, he completely missed the fact that he was a chemist with nothing to loose carrying a bag of explosives


Can we talk about Sofie riffing off the history of Werner Heisenberg effortlessly?


V has called it out. "Walt, shut up! You said enough! OMG..." etc... lol. She's almost done with this show now.


Less than 3 minutes in I'm laughing at your conjecture of there being a head in the bag lol. Sorry. I wanna get caught up tonight so it's like cramming for a test. Ooh, not done that in like 30 years. Now what you said at the end? Yeah, it probably WILL be one of your "favorite shows ever". How long have your Patrons been asking for this? I'm new so idk... I saw you were doing this show (def one of MY faves), had already liked your reactions I saw on YT, and saw this as the perfect time to sign up! SHINY!