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Power Play

The gang starts to have doubts about Angel's loyalties when he appears to have become very close with the Circle of the Black Thorn, a secret demon society.

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“Cause Angel and I have never been intimate, except that one—“ is the quote that sailed thousands of spangel shippers lol. Yea I’m so glad they didn’t turn Angel dark side in the final Buffyverse episodes, that would’ve sucked. But the reveal at the end of this episode was a really good twist. I know they had to wrap up quickly because they didn’t expect season 5 would be the last, but I do find it a tad hard to believe that the senior partners / black thorne would fully buy that souled Angel joined the dark side after working at W&H for only a year. I mean, Angel did a really good job fooling them but still they should be way more skeptical. I always burst out laughing when Lorne says “do we crawl away at least?” He’s such a cutie. One more episode to go ahhhhh. Oh yea you mentioned being sad because it’s the end of Buffyverse which is true for the TV/actors but remember there’s tons of comics after. It’s not the same of course but I like them a lot.


That final scene gives me very similar vibes to Buffy's last speech in "Chosen": You get to make a choice. Are you ready to be strong? In much the same way, I feel Angel is speaking directly to the audience, as, I believe, was Buffy. The powerful control everything... Except our will to choose. We can show the senior partners (i.e. those with the power) that they don't own us. We get to decide if that is worth dying for. If nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do. It is an Existentialist moment. We cannot always control the direction our lives take, our destinies. But what we do have control over is making a choice. It may not be a good one, but it is a choice.


I always loved the ending to Angel. I think it's one of the best out there. It never felt like a cliffhanger to me, instead, I just felt like it epitomises the theme of the show. That you carry on fighting, no matter how futile it may feel. So it doesn't matter if they win the fight or they don't, it's not about that, it's about the act of continuing to fight instead.