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The Girl in Question

Angel and Spike travel to Rome with plans to rescue Buffy from their old nemesis, the Immortal; Fred's parents arrive at Wolfram & Hart in search of their daughter.

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Alexis Cardarella

"You give us the money, we give you the head." In the US "head" is a term for fellatio. You may want to revisit that part of the scene with that in mind lol

Syed Hasnain

This is one of my favorite episodes and one of the ones that I most consistently watch as a stand alone. It's just buddy comedy excellence. I'm probably in the minority here but I prefer Buffy wasn't actually in it other than that brief glimpse of another actor. I feel like for the tone of the plot which centers on how Spike and Angel both feel about her, we wouldn't have gotten any sort of satisfying conclusion beyond "I love you both but idk" which is a little too close to TVD stuff for me, and I prefer Chosen being her TV sendoff over whatever including her in this triangle would have been.