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Emma hires Ruby to be her assistant after she quits Granny's dinner, and Red Riding Hood yearns to run away with her true love, but is a virtual prisoner when a bloodthirsty wolf wreaks havoc on her village.

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for me this slap was not deserved even bringing up all the magical side which makes them miserable Certainly it's not cool to date a married man but the situation is complicated and Mary M owed nothing to Catherine And because of the double standard she was the one who was humiliated, insulted, etc. instead of the one responsible (It's David who deserves the slap more if someone really had to get it because I think violence is not the solution)

Zeph 802

The only undeserved part of the slap in my opinion was that David didn't also get one 😂 I love a good television slap, and it feels deserved (for tv) because Mary Margret did owe her the truth, whether she's in the relationship or not, since she took part in the ongoing lie. It's different for someone like Emma who wasn't physically involved, even though I personally think Emma should have also said something, I'm not gonna hold her to it as much as Mary Margret (and of course David)


There’s an episode in season two that I am DYING for you to get to. Loving these reactions!