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'Til the Day I Die

Klaus turns to Davina for information about a mysterious affliction affecting Hope; Freya and Keelin make a tough decision about their future; Elijah is forced to confront a past memory of Hayley.

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The ending scene between Elijah and klaus is beautiful, from what I can recall they hardly (I’d say ever but just in case I missed a time) show comfort to one another in the sense of physical affection like a hug. They always do so with their words or even just a look that they both can recognize as comfort. So when Elijah willingly just hugged klaus just seemed like a staple moment since they never do and if they did now after all they’ve been through this is by far the hardest time in their lifetimes


One of the things I absolutely love about this episode is how Klaus just refuses to ruin Freya's wedding... First he's compelling the venue for her, then he says about how he can't tell anyone else about Hope that day, then he comes to walk her down the aisle when they think Elijah's not coming. Idk, it's just a really great episode that shows his growth. He knows that Freya deserves a perfect wedding and refuses to let his own troubles ruin it for her. Unlike Vincent and Elijah who (VERY understandably) felt they couldn't go. Elijah of course came around, but Vincent was unable to. And I don't blame him. Tbh, if you're going to have your wedding so soon after so many people in your life have lost people they love, you've kinda gotta accept that some of them aren't exactly going to be up for celebrating at a wedding... I get why she wanted to have it so soon, but you've kinda gotta be prepared for some people not to come... Honestly, I don't think it makes it worse that Elijah knew Hayley. I mean, for him it does. It definitely adds to the guilt and all that. But what he said when he told Klaus honestly makes it make even more sense. Like, imagine you're an amnesiac who finds out you come from this notorious family of ruthless killers, and you one day meet someone in what you think is a random meeting at a bar and you spend the day together and have a connection. But then when you're going to help out your girlfriend's family, you walk in and see that person who you "randomly" met 5 years ago and they're clearly someone your ruthless murderer family know and care about, they're clearly a part of that family. I think in that moment, your first thought WOULD be that they sent her to spy on you. Your first thought would be deception, that she sought you out and played you. In that moment, you're not thinking "Oh, I must help this woman I shared a connection with one night 5 years ago." or "Oh, she's clearly the one in danger." You're thinking "Why did she seek me out and lie and why is she HERE?" Idk, I just think it makes it even more understandable than it already was. The only person I blame for Hayley's death is Greta. That last scene gets me every time though! Just the way they stand there together and Klaus admits he couldn't tell Hope. Then him saying "She's my daughter." and then FINALLY! The way all he has to say is Elijah's name and he instantly turns and just hugs him. I think it was that moment Elijah fully realised that the reason Klaus had told him about Hope earlier wasn't because he wanted him to be there for Hope, but because he needed him to be there for him. Like, I think he'd kinda figured that out already, before he went to the wedding. But I think that was the moment it truly clicked that his brother needed him. And it's my favourite hug between them. Just everything about it is amazing. I love them!! <333