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Endure and Survive

While attempting to evade the rebels, Joel and Ellie cross paths with the most wanted man in Kansas City; Kathleen continues her hunt.

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Episode really hard to watch, the end just like episode 3 is a real Heartbreak. Excellent reaction Sofie. I also want to reassure those who may have an account at UPTOBOX.com "Uptobox’s response on Network X (Twitter) is a police raid on Scaleway and OpCore which is sheltering files from giving Uptobox, the database when to it has not been touched, and for security reasons, it has been relocated off-line."web and the servers operating the site have been deleted in their entirety. When Premium subscriptions, they are frozen and will be restored and credited with compensation as soon as we recover access to the file servers. We are not going to give up, our team is working hard to resolve this situation as soon as possible."

Alyssa Dyson

This episode like many others in this show is so emotional. I loved your reaction to the bloater coming out of the tunnel.


I’m so glad Henry and Sam actually get a backstory in the show. In the game, because it’s first-person perspective focused, you don’t see any of this backstory for them. No Kathleen, no Resistance. I don’t know if that’s what was planned for the concept of the game or they just wrote it in for the show adaptation… But that’s another reason why The Last Of Us Universe works better as a TV series over a game series. Not that I’m knocking the game. They did well with what they had but there was limitations. This was one. With a TV show you can show multiple perspectives over just one. Over just the protagonists.