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When You're Lost in the Darkness

As a parasitic fungal outbreak begins to ravage the world, Joel Miller attempts to escape the escalating chaos with his daughter and brother; twenty years later, a now hardened Joel and his partner, Tess, fight to survive under a totalitarian regime.

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Judging by how you reacted to the first episode this is going to be one of the best reactions to this show I've seen so far

Jasmine Reigns

This is really gonna be your best reaction to a show yet 🫠😭 the PAIN

Alyssa Dyson

Be prepared to cry pretty much every episode 😩


Absolutely loved your reaction. This is going to be entertaining 😌

Chantelle Miles

You definitely should watch inside the episode after each episode since it explains alot for the characters. Including Elles look/reaction to Joel killing the guy. She wasn't being dark in enjoying the violence, she was just surprised and happy about somebody being that protective over her, like a father. Remember Elle is an orphan too.

Jasmine Reigns

I agree , it’s sooo cool to see inside the episode pertaining to certain scenes

Chantelle Miles

Yeah, i think its great too, especially if your confused over a scene/character, or if u want to confirm if you understood things accurately.

Ana luiza Silva Rodrigues

You're so right about Ellie liking what Joel Did to save her, like she said, she was a orphan who grew up alone and with no one to look after her or protect her, and then she sees Joel being able to kill someone just to "keep her safe", it's dark but very Ellie, she's not like Sarah who was more of a sweet Innocent girl, Ellie was born into a very dark society and learned how to deal with people and violence in another way wich is way more similar with Joel as he is right now, so yeah it's going to be a very intense and instresting dinamic

Henry Sowell

I played the game when it came out and it blew me away. So glad non-gamers finally get to experience this story.


I joined your Patreon just to watch your reactions to this. I’ve never seen the show myself but I have seen someone play the game the show is adapted from and I’ve always thought that it would work better as a TV show than a game. I decided that if I’m going to watch the show for the first time, I’d want to watch it with someone who would discuss in-depth about the themes, narratives and characters. And I was so happy that you would be reacting to it. Because you do in-depth and you’re very insightful when you discuss about the shows you react to. Couldn’t have asked for better. I’m so excited to watch this show with someone who I know will really FEEL it.