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The Cautionary Tale of Numero Cinco

Angel must track down a retired wrestler (Danny Mora) to help him defeat an ancient Aztec warrior who emerges every 50 years to devour the heart of a hero.

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Ashish Dahal

When is HoTD finale coming?


I've heard a lot of folks don't care for this one but personally I really enjoy it. It definitely has a very different feel from almost anything we've ever done and I always like when the writers experiment a little age try different things. Plus I'm sure being a wrestling fan from way back helps. And you're absolutely right, the story of Number 5 and his brothers hits you right in the feels 😥 All very sad and melancholic stuff but I just think it's really well done.

Suddenly Frogs

Frankly I want to know more about El Diablo Robotico. Wesley seems genuinely worried when it's brought up. Also, still pushing for Dollhouse to replace Angel in the end... Whedon/Dushku. 2 complete seasons... Unlike Firefly :( :)

Henry Sowell

The stuff with the Devil's Robot made me laugh so hard. As did the opening with Spike escalating the Angel/mailman conflict and making Angel out to be the bad guy. Apparently a lot of this episode was inspired by El Santo. El Santo was a legendary Mexican wrestler who also starred in a ton of movies in the 60's-70's, all while wearing his mask. A lot of Santo movies had absurd plots, and it felt like some of the absurd elements of this episode may have been paying tribute to that. El Santo finally revealed his face for the first time on a talk show in 1984, then died a week later.

Syed Hasnain

Really underrated episode imo. Angel's story this season about continuing the "good fight" but kinda going through the motions and not really feeling it tied in really well with Number Five's story. The lore they created for just this one episode was pretty cool, especially for me as a pro wrestling fan. I really felt 5's POV about becoming disillusioned when he showed Angel how his family is remembered. Glad the character got some closure at the end. Also, Angel just deadpan watching the zombie luchadores go to work is peak comedy to me. I like how they're planting the seeds for how Spike could theoretically qualify for the Shanshu prophecy if he wasn't a ghost. This is also around when I think the ghost Spike angle was starting to wear a bit thin for me. The novelty of him being around and funny is just starting to fizzle. It reminds me a little bit of when he'd been in season 4 Buffy for awhile as a newly chipped vampire and they just kinda stuck him around in various places to be snarky. It's like, yes, he's funny, we've established this, but now what? About ready for him to be more involved in the main plot and definitely in the action. Still love the banter with him and Angel as well as the bond they've developed with him and Fred.

Henry Sowell

I was a wrestling fan growing up as well, and I'm glad they handled the subject matter with a sense of respect and accuracy. So many shows that do wrestling-themed episodes come off as ridiculous and cringe, but I felt the writers of Angel did their research and portrayed it fairly well.