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Klaus requests that his estranged siblings Rebekah and Kol return home to stand by their family against The Hollow. Freya recruits Hayley for a dangerous journey, Marcel leads a hunt for The Hollow, and Kol continues to mourn the loss of Davina.

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Marlene Berber

When does next episode come out


When is the next episode coming?

angelcakes (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-22 07:11:48 damn some people are sooo greedy. it's mind-blowing
2023-07-22 01:29:56 damn some people are sooo greedy. it's mind-blowing

damn some people are sooo greedy. it's mind-blowing

Jasmine Reigns

LOL y’all are excited for the next episode 😂☺️


“We have committed countless atrocities over the years, but Elijah, Elijah has only ever done those for Family…..That’s why he’s the best of us all. He’s always been.” What a beautiful and true quote from Klaus. With the death of Elijah and these few episodes that everyone has to mourn him temporarily, I’m always happy to see klaus and Elijah bond as brothers.


I love that scene between Klaus and Hayley at the end there so much. The way Klaus' smile just completely drops when Hayley says she went through the Red Door. He knows what that means. He KNOWS his brother and he likely knows some of the things behind that door. And he also knows what seeing that would do to Hayley. And he also knows what Hayley seeing those things would do to Elijah... And I love the way he talks about Elijah. He loves him so much and he knows he's the best of them. He knows who Elijah is. And I love that they were able to have that conversation. That Hayley was able to open up to Klaus about it, and that he understood. I love them! Honestly though, I stand by the fact that they should've had Klaus go in there... He shares a VERY strong bond with Elijah and seeing that wouldn't have the same effect on him as it would on Hayley. He's done WAY worse. He could've handled it. It probably would've made him sad to see that Elijah chose to hide in there, just because he cares about his brother and knows how upsetting that must be for him. But he has a much different relationship with Elijah than Hayley does. There are just some things you don't wanna go through with the man you're in love with, and having him hunting you through the woods is one of them. Cuz I mean, wow! That would be traumatising. Like, yes, Hayley has always known that she is now a part of a family full of monsters. She knows that these people are monsters, that they have all done AWFUL things. But knowing it and seeing it are two COMPLETELY different things. And she didn't only see it, she lived through what it's like for his victims! That is TRAUMATISING! But of course Hope was the one to bring him out of it. She's not only VERY powerful, but she's also the person he cares most about. Mix those things together and he's broken out of it in an instant. And wow! The look on Elijah's face when he was snapped out of it. The backing away from Hayley and him shaking his head as he realises what's just happened. This has been his worst fear since Season 2 when Esther first opened the Red Door. He was literally seeing Hayley in Tatia's place. He was watching himself hunt her down at the Red Door and kill her. And now that has become a reality. It's heartbreaking. I also LOVE the way when Hayley runs out into the Hallway and hugs Hope she spins them around so quickly and so naturally. Like, she obviously doesn't want Hope looking through the Red Door and seeing Elijah like that and seeing all the bodies. But to Hope, it probably barely even registered that it was happening. I mean, she's a smart kid and she clearly sensed that there was something up with Hayley and Elijah there, but the hug was amazing. I loved it. And I loved Freya getting to see some memories too. And her getting to see her siblings just being a family and having fun. (Though, yeah, poor Finn! They really said all of them were together as a family and poor Finn is nowhere to be found... He's probably under the roof though... Just in a coffin... Haha) Poor Kol though. He really just got robbed... Something I love about that scene with Kol and the Harvest Girls, just because it makes me laugh. When they say his brother murdered them, without context, without knowing what happened, you'd just assume "Oh, Klaus is at it again with his murdering people." BUT IT WAS ELIJAH! It just makes me laugh because that is NOT what you expect!!