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I Hear You Knocking

The Hollow's dark magic puts Klaus and Marcel on a collision course and Hayley uncovers a link between the dark magic and her former wolf pack. Keelin must decide whether to help Freya cure Klaus's infection.

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Keelin and freya are so cuuute

Jay zay

Klaus is closer to Marcel in strength dispite the serum. Although Marcel is still stronger than klaus, the gap isn’t as big as it was between klaus and lucien since Marcel isn’t even close to lucien age when he drank the serum.

otaku AyMaNe

You blessed us today thank you!

Nebulous Shooter

You spelled creepy wrong, literally Stockholm Syndrome. Possibly worse than Klaroline, where Klaus 'only' killed her best friend's aunt and almost caused her death to make a point, twice.


Marcel has better feats in S3 beating 3 originals easily. The serum remakes you there is no age gap in there strength. He seems weaker because of plot. Same way elena and jeremy killed kol.