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Angel and the gang's first legal case involves representing an evil client who is threatening to destroy Los Angeles, and the gang meets the mysterious Eve and bubbly vampire Harmony.

Link to the reaction:





god gotta wait 2 days for angel ): wish i have time travel LoL

Wisdom of the Sphynx

Wes: Spike?😳 Angel: Spike 😑 Harmony: Blondie Bear? 😍 Me: 😂😂😂 every single time

Syed Hasnain

I was unreasonably excited to see you react to this one haha. I wanted to say this in the Chosen comments, but I really think Spike not accepting that Buffy loves him had nothing to do with her or Spuffy. It was about Spike and how he sees himself as unworthy because his story isn't finished yet. I think he needs to figure himself out as a vampire with a soul without everything being for/about Buffy. The cookie dough speech applies to him too, basically. Season 5 is my favorite season of Angel the Series and the dynamic between Angel and Spike is a big part of the reason. The Buffy of it all aside, I think it might also be my favorite season for Spike as an individual character as well. I think you're going to love seeing Angel and Spike together. Lawyer Gunn is a lot of fun to watch even if it all feels super sussy. I always enjoy that "the defense submits it has learned how to swim" line. It's an important distinction to make that he is every bit as intelligent as he has always been. Facts and figures were stuffed in his head but what he does with it is all Gunn. I feel like people don't talk enough about what a major shift it is how quick and brutally Angel killed the leader of that attack squad. The guy definitely deserved it and I enjoyed the scene, but the Punisher brand of justice is a significant departure from the Angel we knew earlier who would always find a way if possible to not kill even the worst of humans. He's not a "I don't kill people" hero anymore and that's a BIG change that I think effects a lot of stuff.

Henry Sowell

A lot of people view Season 5 as the best season of Angel, and now you know a big reason why. What's interesting is that Angel and Spike haven't been in the same scene together since Buffy Season 5 ("Fool For Love" flashback), and the last time they interacted in the present-day was Angel Season 1 ("In the Dark").

Brendan O'Connor

This is at least the second time someone was warned to watch the opening credits, saw Harmony, abd were flabbergasted by Spike. It’s truly a beautiful thing to behold

Enas Bassiony

You probably mean aftershow reaction .. cause she was fooled too and than screamed when Spike appeard 😂

Enas Bassiony

My fav season of Angel andbthe only one I rewatch .. and yes .. Angel and Spike's dynamic is brlliant .. the flashbacks of the fanged four were some of my fav scenes in both Btv and Atv

Steve Quast

I don't know if I've mentioned this before, but we share Spike as our favorite Buffyverse character. Needless to say, I was chomping at the bit to see what your reaction would be to the final scene. It did not disappoint.


So many people warned you not to watch the opening credits that I was beginning to worry you’d figure it out - Harmony was an amazing misdirect!

Enas Bassiony

She ALMOST caught a glimpse of the last scene with the entire team walking together though .. she barely missed that one .. luckily of course 😉


Yay, Spike returns!! Along with well, everyone, I've been waiting (somewhat impatiently) for you to get to this episode- loved your excited squeals of joy at the big Spike reveal! I am also so excited he's back, I feel we're just beginning his ensouled journey. And the dynamic between Spike and Angel will be fascinating. Some interesting details about this episode: The first 4 minutes at the W+H headquarters is one long take (a Whedon specialty). Actor Alexis Denisof (Wesley) was struck with a case of Bell's Palsy just before filming, which affected the left side of his face. So he is filmed almost strictly from his right side throughout the ep- except for the final scene with Spike. It is somehwat noticeable, but only if you're looking for it. Luckily the issue cleared up by ep2. Fred's new assistant Knox is played by the same actor who played Holden "Webs" Webster, Buffy's "vamp-therapist"(therapire?) in BtVS S7's "Conversations with Dead People".


W spike is back 🔥🔥🔥

Rey Gallogo

Not even a big one. LOL. The storylines were better and in fact, some people would say he was really unnecessary except for his fans.