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Alone With Everybody

Rumours about the last white oak bullet bring deadly foes to New Orleans with the intention of taking down Klaus permanently; Vincent and Josh search for a vampire who may have important information; Kol faces his brother.

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I absolutely love that scene between Klaus and Hayley! I love that Klaus left Hope with Hollis because Hayley trusts him! He said it was baby steps, but that was a HUGE step honestly. He not only trusted someone because Hayley trusted them, but he trusted them with HOPE! That's the most trust he's ever put in a stranger, it's more trust than he's given a lot of allies too... And it's all because Hayley trusts him. Hayley really gets through to Klaus in a way no one else can. She's one of the very few people he's actually said he trusts, in fact I think she might've actually been the first person he ever said he trusts in the show... (Back in S2...) And them deciding that it can no longer be just one of them making the decisions, it's gotta be both of them. FINALLY! That has ALWAYS been a thing with them and Hope. Klaus continuously saying that he was the only person who could be trusted to make decisions about Hope's safety, that only his opinions mattered, and in return Hayley being unable to trust Klaus' decisions because she knows they're made out of paranoia and when there's too much of that you just can't trust someone. But now they realise that was never the right way to go with this. I love them when they get along and work together. They're one of my favourite relationships in the TVDU... I honestly feel really bad for Finn... Like I said last episode, he did some AWFUL things, but I just really do feel for him. He lost his older sister and best friend at such a young age in such a traumatising way, then ended up with a bunch of siblings who ended up keeping him in a box for 900 years. Then he finds out the person who took his sister is back and just wants to do whatever it takes to get rid of her. And he's always hated being a vampire. But like, we really can't blame him. They never gave him a chance to get used to it like they got. He got 100 years, then they just left him daggered in a box and then complained when he got out and hadn't changed... You can't expect someone to change when you haven't given them a chance to. They had 1000 years (some being daggered on and off, Klaus just living his best life except when Mikael was around...) but he was robbed of the chance to get used to vampirism, get closer to his siblings, and just overall grow as a person. They kept him daggered in a coffin for 900 years, and yet they blamed HIM for being the same person he was when he first got daggered... I'd hate them too if I were him... I feel like this episode really shows why Klaus and Elijah need each other... Because while Elijah kinda keeps Klaus in check, and is more open to compromise and working with others and trying not to piss people off when they could be helping. Klaus keeps Elijah from trusting too easily, he makes sure he doesn't trust the wrong person. He's more cautious of the people Elijah decides to trust. And like you said, he wouldn't have let them keep the bullet. That thing would've been destroyed instantly. As for why they let Lucien stick around, I honestly think they'd just gotten so used to him being around for these big conversations on keeping the family safe that it barely even occurred to them that "hey, his life isn't dictated by Klaus' anymore... Maybe we shouldn't trust him..." I think it was just natural to them because he's been around fighting so hard to keep Klaus alive all Season. So despite any trust issues the family have, they were just used to having him around... It didn't feel unnatural to them.


I disagree that Finn is just as of a monster as his siblings. Finn being willing to kill his siblings does not equal the crazy and unforgivable things the original family has done. The only truly horrible thing I can think of Finn doing was killing Kol in the way he did. Paring with his mother to kill his siblings was only due to the thousand years of unforgivable atrocities the original family had done. Last episode showed just how heartless they were when we heard the back story of why Cortez wanted klaus dead. Cortez was far from the villain over all. And Finn killing hope I’d argue was in a way to keep his siblings alive just because his mom asked him to. Dahlia would’ve killed the original family had it not been for Esther doing what she did, so killing hope to avoid dahlia from even coming isn’t as bad as it sounds souly because it was to benefit the originals. Ofc it’s still a very dark thing but klaus alone has killed thousands of families not caring the father and mothers he’s taken away from their children if he did not kill the children as well. Finn hates who he is therefore doesn’t indulge or tries to reframe from indulging in most vampire acts. I mean the only person we ever known him siring without a doubt was his long time girlfriend Sage. Finn is a character I think not many can sympathize with and that sucks cause there’s a lot of trauma in his history, the original family had eachother to avoid them from going mad and even showed kindness towards Kol throughout the years and even with that kol felt neglected, so we can only imagine how Finn felt as he was never shown the kindness of his siblings and on top of that didn’t have his parents or freya to show some resemblance of kindness. I would say Finn choosing to be in a witch body and leaving the original family alone was him showing mercy to them. As from Finns point of view the original family definitely did not deserve it


This episode shows us that sometimes Klaus's paranoia comes in handy, because he would have destroyed that white oak without hesitation.