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An Old Friend Calls

An old vampire arrives in the city, threatening the lives of innocent citizens and forcing Vincent to take part in a plot to bring down Klaus; Marcel seeks Davina's help when several Strix members go missing; Elijah talks to Hayley about her grief.

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John Walker Is That Dude

It’s been weeks since I lasted posted hey everybody. I have never liked Davina the characters/fans of the show stick up for her way too much IMO. I have stated in the past why I don’t like her allow me to tell u what she did in this episode that pisses me off and I have no compassion for her after Klaus killed Tim and tried to her fans miss it as well. She should have stayed at the church and not follow Kol back to his home she did it anyway fully knowing that Klaus wants to kill her again. When Klaus tried to kill her the first time she did nothing to him other than trying to find a way to kill Elijah when she had him so Klaus was wrong. Klaus was told by everybody to leave her alone after that and he did. When wanting to get revenge she brings back child abusing Mikael Klaus has murdered people for less but he kept his word a left her alone bringing Mikael back automatically put Hope and Hayley in danger. Now to this episode if u notice after Klaus gets close to Kol after his sneak attack (the only he stands a chance with Klaus) Klaus hugs Kol the camera pans to Davina she has this pissed off/defeated/sad look on her face. At that moment she wanted Klaus, Elijah and Freya to push him out so he can be hers and only hers. A so call good person a so call person who claims to love a thousand year old person after only knowing him for months should be happy for the family reunion he hated it. Kol pissed me off to Klaus kicked her out cuz she’s a HABITUAL LINE STEPPER Davina walks around supernatural creatures stronger than her thinking she’s the ISH. As the saying goes “Davina thinks her arms are long enough to box with GOD” she cries when it backfires she wakes everyday and chooses violence than gets mad when something happens to her Davina u don’t have to participate u could stop or leave no one makes u do the things u do.


I actually really loved your reaction to Finn being back! I actually honestly kinda love Finn if I'm being honest... I feel for him. What he did last Season was awful, going after Hope, killing Kol. But I can understand his anger, and the reason he went after Hope. I'm not gonna condone it, because it wasn't okay at all. But he genuinely was trying to stop Dahlia from returning, and I get that. But I'm really excited for you to see what's to come with him. :)