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Dead Angels

Klaus finds himself in a standoff with an unlikely foe when a weapon that could take down his family ends up in the wrong hands, Elijah's efforts to reclaim the Strix result in a violent showdown, and a new coven tries to elicit Davina's help.

Link to the reaction:





One thing is certain...Next week couldn't come any sooner! lol


But yea this season is such a banger- between the strix and the originals and Aurora etc there are so many pieces moving about the board...The prophecy is looming and there is now a weapon at play all along with the mention of a spell that could undo the sirelines and will change the whole dynamic of the show regarding who is safe and untouchable given we assumed via TVD (vampires still alive) that some characters in this show were safe this could become untrue lol


The bigger disappointment for me being Camille storyline, they really just marred both her character and her relashionship to Klaus in one swoop in my opinion...One of the top human characters and the exact character that should never have been a vampire imo it goes against who she is and really sort of ruins it for me...I'm conflicted about it because i did enjoy the twist but didn't really want her gone, for other reasons I believe they could have just made it that she didn't transition and died that way, which would have been slightly more dignifying to who she represents instead of just 'edgy vampire' 2.0 with deluded confidence and an attitude- we've seen that storyline in TVD way too much and it's so cliche and really does not fit Camille one bit...To me she's someone that is extremely smart intellectually and emotionally and really has her shit together and is able to read people and situations with a collected mind- her character doesn't really need to be a rebellious impulsive independent badass...there's nothing wrong with it but to me it's just not her


I've personally been looking forward to the episode 14 reaction. Almost there!

Chantelle Miles

U should really check out the deleted scenes, they explain more like one scene thats cut with Aya, Elijah and Klaus where she begs him to stay and fight with his sires. She swore if he left she would never forgive him.


It's right he did kill others for less than what Cami did but he also left the whold TVD crew alive after they killed Kol :D


I think around this time is when people stopped liking camille


Then those didn’t like her to start with, like all characters she a complex one and what she’s feeling is justified due to the history she’s gone through. There isn’t 1 character in the TVD universe that’s gone through death and not changed negatively at some point. Sure she makes questionable choices but they have their reasonings like all characters, people who dislike her now didn’t like her at first or don’t understand the reasonings. If you meant annoyed I’d agree but not dislike


Elijah abandoned the strix while they were being slaughtered. Aya and Tristan didn't.


The actress who play cami want to written off the show because of the crazy klarolaine fans who made threath to her and her family (that’s why they show us her “dark side” to show that she is not the person good for klaus and “carolaine is” in my eyes the true love for klaus is CAMI!!! And he gonna stay with her in the afterlive always and forever!!! Sorry not sorry klaroline crzy fans. You took away a perfect caracther and you took away the light of this show, never gonna be the same with out Cami


There is a reason about why this happen, the actress who play Camille pass for the hell bc of crazy klaroline fans, so that why the writers change her caracther and kill her, she don’t wanna be more in the show for that,she go through a lot playing cami