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In a fight with Faith, Angelus is tricked and captured. Before she bit Angelus, Faith had injected herself with a drug that caused them to fall into a coma. Willow comes to the rescue.

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Kristine Friling

This is THE best Faith episode. I lobe this arc with her so much. Too bad there is a lot of things in this season I do not care for!!

Kristine Friling

Also the guy holding up the diner, is Eliza Dushku's brother


I agree that Faith definitely suits the theme of Angel better than the theme of BTVS, she fits in really well. Faith and Gunn would get on really well, not even necessarily a romantic relationship but as good friends.

Syed Hasnain

Connor is in fact the absolute worst

Martin Waits

If it wasn't for the Connor/Cordy stuff, this would be my favorite episode of Angel. The Faith & Angel flashbacks are wonderful and it's great to see Willow crossover.

Dennis Bryant

I don’t know if I would say that, personally. He was abducted at a very young age, raised/trained to kill. Fired at his real father like a weapon. The first real connection was when Cordy purged the corruption of the Kortoth from him, then she was gone too… seems like a very lonely, badly raised and maladjusted teenage kid to me. And the beastmaster is a better manipulator than anyone else who has used him this far. Seems like a fair throughline for Connor, poor soul. Now, he does make some bad decisions for sure, and I can’t say he is anywhere near a favorite, but not a bad character.

Syed Hasnain

no he is the worst. Hearing his take on just about anything at any time is maddening, IE giving his condolences on Faith's death when she is far from dead, and that's just this episode. I hear what you are saying about his background, but I have allowed myself the grace of not having empathy for him as a person when watching this program. If someone deserves to be raised in a hell dimension it is Connor. He was probably terrible even as a baby, but wasn't old enough to express it. Connor talking is worse than the worst thing Angelus has ever done imo


Whens the next buffy episode

Dennis Bryant

And that is part of the fun of debate. I respect your opinion, and did say personally I don’t feel he is the worst. I could add more, but spoilers.


Willow's using the same re ensouling spell that she used in s2 of Buffy. I love how it sounds !! Of course in season 2 its even better cuz of the amazing soundtrack playing during the scene.


It kind of makes sense that 'Cordy' is now revealing her pregnancy. She knows that the gang is back to normal and that they're gonna go talk to her and see how she's doing now that things aren't so crazy. We can talk about it more next ep.


I think a Willow/Fred match-up would work much better than Willow's cradle-robbing Kennedy relationship.


Always thought Connor was the perfect balance in the 4th season opener. I really liked his character, even with his faults. Then the rest of the season happened.

Teresa Schultz

2nd favorite Faith line: “Step away from the glass.” 1st favorite: “Break me off a switch son, there’s about to be a whoopin’.”


Kinda fustratings how some reactors nowadays when they first starting to watch angel for the first time that they dislike the connor character for no reason at all, for me he is such a interesting tragic person different from the others, in my opinion he was the best part of season 4, i can however understand their dislike for the connor and cordy storyline, but she is way overreacting about that with her facial expressions and complaining, to be honest it takes me out of her reaction video's for this season, i don't think i i'm going to watch more of her video's, because i became a patrion just for the Angel reactions.