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The Other Girl in New Orleans

After learning that Aurora may be responsible for the threat to Cami's life, Klaus engages in another one of her devious games. Elsewhere, Elijah, Freya and Hayley act against Tristan, and Aya forces Marcel to make a difficult decision.

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I will die on the hill that protects Haley. Lol But no seriously, I love how Mary put it. Haley is 25 and with a baby. The Mikaelsons are a thousand years old. They really don’t need her risking her life and leaving hope without a mother just to protect them. They’re literally Originals! Haley is fiercely loyal to family. The way she betrayed Tyler in TVD just to get more info on her family. And once she started realizing the Mikaelsons are her new family, she continues to fight for them now, no matter what. I believe the vampirism may have heighten this trait in her after she turned.

Sade L.

Klamille. That’s all. That’s the comment. 😩


this is many of the reasons why I prefer klamille over klaroline cuz cami can admit she cares for klaus and will stand her ground to protect him or keep his secrets safe even if it means risking her life to do so. Klaroline was always lust and desire in my opinion while klamille gives off a safe, protective, Camille to me is the light in Klaus' life as regards to a potential lover, The way she sees through him, her words, her presence, her advice, has a vital impact on Klaus' life and his rebuilding. The fact that she is able / chosen to be there for him, to stand by his side despite all of his demons and mistakes is important. The city in which they live, the forces they will have to face unite them. With all her maturity, her psychology, her understanding of art and her own introspection of her inner demons, Camille can be close to Klaus, can offer him comfort and understanding that a teenage girl who has seen only the worst of him can not or has used his attraction towards her as leveraged for her friends (caroline), Im not saying caroline doesn't care about klaus, I'm sure a part of her feels sorry for what he went through but I don't think she has romantic feelings, I think she knows he can give her anything she wants and that's what pulls her here and there but with her life in mystic falls and what he has done to her friends would just further prove why it just wouldn't work no matter how it would be written. These two women, in their own way, can and have an emotional and psychological impact on Klaus. His interactions with the two are different, both have brought him a lot. But there is only one in my opinion who truly can create a relationship with him while the other remained like a suspended regret of what could have been but never was. Cami is an adult who has built her life, she loves art and masters psychology. In many ways she is more what Klaus needs: someone calm, mature, thoughtful, who assumes more her demons and who is willing to be there for him. I love certain moments like klaus's graduation speech to caroline but I love the interactions and moments klaus has with cami more cuz its like i said feels more mature and deep and caring, like she really listens and feels what he says to her.

Jasmine Bellucci

I definitely agree with u about Klamile and Klaroline. Klamile has my heart.


Yes great episode


I mean...The fact that Aurora was Exorcised 6 times and nothing worked should tell you something lmao---CAN'T FIX CRAZY Lmao


My klamille heart can't take this cuteness 😭😭