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Out of the Easy

Klaus and Elijah plan a Thanksgiving gathering in hopes of negotiating a truce, Vincent and Marcel realise Davina might be in over her head, and Cami encounters a new threat.

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John Walker Is That Dude

I dislike a lot of characters in this universe while respecting their power, others annoy especially the high school age characters but I HATE Jackson with a PASSION. Last season after Dahlia possessed him he went to Hayley saying they need to leave and he said Dahlia is their enemy this dude acted like Klaus was the one not Esther who made the deal with Dahlia to surrender Hope to dahlia Klaus wasn’t even a thought Esther made that deal to have kids so why is he blaming the kids who were innocent. When Jackson talks crap about the Mikaelsons I want to smack him dude it was ur grandfather and the wolves who followed him who murdered Hayley’s parents now u want to act like ur family are upstanding citizens. Cuz of u Jackson is what made Hope unprotected cuz all Dahlia needed to find Hope was Klaus’ dude u straight up kidnapped another wolves cub and u know that’s a no no dude u should thank Klaus everyday for not killing u on sight people have been killed for less. Someone needs to be like Eddie Murphy telling Bill Cosby to have a coke, a smile and shut the frack up. Jackson is lucky that Esther brought back Ansel cuz Klaus saw the wolf/man he wants to be the wolf/man he should’ve been. Jackson is a habitual line stepper to the Mikaelson’s

John Walker Is That Dude

Lucien was turned by accident, Aurora wanted to cure her mental illness/makeup of her brain and Elijah forcefully turned Tristan so that he could compelled him to think he was Elijah to throw Mikael off their scent.


The writing in dialogue is so freaking amazing in season 3 hahah So many lines are freaking hilarious


Elijah turned Tristan to compell him to thing that he was Elijah so that they can run from mikeal