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Andrew uses a video camera to document a day in the life of Buffy and her friends, and the Sunnydale students turn into fire-breathing demons.

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Hey guys, I might've made a mistake and did't press record properly when watching the episode thus I don't have the video of me reacting to the episode but I do have the audio since I was recording the audio separately. So this  video will be different since you will just be able to hear me through out the reaction. I'm sorry for the inconvenience and I hope that you will enjoy '' the reaction'' regardless.

Link to the reaction:




Shaun Houghton

If only all disembodied voices were so pleasant to listen to, particularly with that lovely accent.


I am glad it was this episode that lost video. It isn't the same without the facial expressions LOL. But I will watch it and listen and LIKE IT!!! This episode is just weird to me, but so is Tucker's Brother, so it fits :)


I cannot wait to see your reaction to these final six episodes.

Darrell Palmer

It was so weirdly disorienting. I could hear you but not see you. It was like I was in Buffy 6x11. It was like I was watching an episode of Buffy from inside another episode of Buffy (6x11). And when the shy girl in this episode started to fade, I wanted to grab her and yell "Not you too!!!" 😱


I have always enjoyed this episode but on rewatch I really fell in love with it. I am struck by how "meta" it is for the show- not only because it is a story told mainly from an outsider's POV but also it is done in such a way that if you just happened upon this episode as a first-time watcher, it is a really helpful and entertaining way to bring you up-to-date. And as a long-time fan, I love the call-back to the early HS episodes like the disappearing girl and I love Buffy just flat-out telling Principal Wood the part of the original premise of the show: "There's a thing that happens here over the Hellmouth.. Where a way a thing feels actually starts happening for real.. Being at high school can feel like being at war. Now it's true." (i.e., High School is Hell... amiright!?). I also love Andrew describing Xander as "the Heart" of the Scoobies. This is also one of the original premises of the show: Xander is metaphorically Buffy's heart, Willow is her spirit, Giles her mind (as is also placed in the subtext of "Primeval" and "Restless" in S4). They even give a shout-out to “Buffyspeak” when Principal Wood tells Buffy the evil from the Hellmouth is getting all “focus-y”. I love it! The scene with Buffy and Andrew over the seal at the end is fantastic and even better upon rewatch in my opinion. Andrew is great, but SMG just really nails Buffy's complexity of emotions. Her unflinching nerve. Her resolve to do what needs to be done. Her sadness that this is the way it is.


One more thing, Sofie: I cannot believe you caught the Cheese Guy in Andrew’s and Jonathan’s dream. Unbelievable! Kudos 😉

Daniel Vezina

The vision scene is J.Weahdon watching "Boondocks Saints"