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A Walk on the Wild Side

Elijah considers going to a gala thrown by a group of ancient vampires, Marcel receives an enticing offer from a mysterious woman, and Lucien and Klaus form a tentative alliance.

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Nebulous Shooter

Lucien: My god. Its a room full of Elijahs. Klaus: I had that exact same nightmare once. lol


It's only when Hayley is with Jackson that she can't stand being part of their family


I knew you'd love the "It's a room full of Elijah's" moment! The second you said last episode that they were all like Elijah, I just knew that moment would get you... It's one of my favourite moments of the show. And Klaus' response is just as amazing! The entire scene with Klaus and Lucien crashing the party is one of my favourites of the show. It's all just hilarious! Marcel is a genius! It's times like these it really hits that he was raised by the Mikaelsons, he's strategic and really good in these moments. I love that scene too. Where he reveals Hayley bit him and knows who took his ring and all that. I love him. And I love that he refused to kill the other vampire because he wasn't aware that he had actually done anything wrong. And the scene where Klaus gives Marcel his blood. I love that one too. Klaus acts like a Dad who is telling his son off for doing something stupid, while also a jealous friend who's realised his friend is making friends with people he hates. And the line about how his enemies may also come through Marcel. I love them so much! <333 I think Hayley's problem at this point in the show is that she does love the Mikaelsons. All of them, even Klaus as much as she hates that fact. She does want to be part of the family, she does want Hope to be part of the family. But she also KNOWS that they have so many enemies and that Hope could very easily be in danger because of that. But despite everything, she does love them and consider them her family, even though she also kinda wishes she didn't. It's kinda like Marcel in a way, both of them love the Mikaelsons and do crave that relationship with them, but then there's also part of them both that hate them and just want to not be part of the family. Even Rebekah is kinda like that at times, no matter how much she loves her brothers, sometimes she just wishes she could be free of the burden that is the Mikaelson family. But Hayley definitely needs to make a decision. Does she want to be part of the family or not? I do think she's made her decision by now, she does. She has realised she loves them, she's realised that no matter the danger the Mikaelson family may bring Hope, they're also her best defence. I love that scene between her and Elijah at the end though. Where she says that the first thing she plans to teach Hope about the family is "Always and Forever." She plans to tell Hope the good, the vow that her Dad and her Aunt and her Uncle swore to each other and have lived by for a thousand years. The thing that represents the love they all have for each other. And I think that shows that despite everything, that's the first thing Hayley thinks of when she thinks of the Mikaelsons. The notes between Klaus and Freya at the end there were adorable... I love their relationship. I love how far they've come from when Klaus didn't trust her at all and Freya didn't want anything to do with him because he killed Mikael. They've come to actually see each other as family, and Klaus actually has come around to trusting her. At least a little. It's still Klaus, after all... Haha When you really think about it, a lot of the Strix, as well as Lucien and Aurora, are older than most of the Originals. Not chronologically, of course. But all of them except Klaus have been daggered for centuries/decades at a time while they've all been alive and conscious for their entire vampire lives, which is 800-1000ish years... I really enjoy The Strix, they're really cool. Poor Elijah though, accidentally creating a Society of egomaniacal sociopaths... But Tristan is actually a pretty interesting character to me, despite how much I just want Elijah to rip his heart out of his chest after completely putting him in his place... And Aya is really cool. I actually love her. Also, gotta love that Klaus was apparently actively banned from the Strix is great! Haha I look forward to you learning more about Lucien, Tristan and Aurora though. They're actually really interesting characters, and they're actually really well written. I've gotta say it. The Mikaelson's love lives are so creepy. And this includes Marcel! He's as bad as they are! Klaus is often attracted to blondes who kinda look like Rebekah. (Not completely, just ya know, a little...) Elijah is in love with the Mother of his brother's child (who is also a hybrid like said brother...) and Rebekah is in love with her brothers adopted son. And Marcel! He's in love with his adopted Aunt, had a thing with the woman his adopted Dad was into (who also happened to be a blonde who looks kinda like Rebekah) and is now attracted to Elijah's ex... Oh, and Kol was in love with his brother's adopted sons adopted daughter... (It was Marcel and Aya in this episode that made me think of it all right now... Haha) They all have issues. I love this family... Haha (Oh, and Finn was pretty much in love with his Mother...........)


The relationship hayley has with the originals is complicated, she obviously loves them all so in the good times of course she likes being with them but In the bad she’s reminded that most of the threats coming to hope and the family as a whole is due to the original family. Now that doesn’t mean just because she questions it that she doesn’t help cause she’s done many things for the original family regardless of where her loyalties lie at that time, but Many like to make the argument that the originals have protected hope from those threats so it’s ok but all that’s happened is they’re protecting their family and hope from threats they’ve created due to their own choices over the year which doesn’t equalize anything. Think when she’s with Jackson she’s shown some type of normality that she can’t have with the originals so ofc when seeing this she’d start to question her ties with the originals. Over all I agree she should just pick one and stick with it but her reasonings for thinking the way she does aren’t bad ones, she’s a mother and seeing all these threats coming in and knowing the cause of them will obviously make her question her relationship with the original family.


Exactly. People always get on her about picking and choosing when they’re family to her and all, but she was right when she said that they’re the threat. If not for the Mikaelsons, Hope wouldn’t have all these threats towards her. I can understand wanting away from that, but for the most part, Hayley sticks around and is very loyal to them.


Yeah, she’s an amazing character for sure just think some people witness bad action done towards klaus and they’re quick to always hate that character responsible with the hell for reasonings behind those actions which is so small minded over looking all she has and will do for them. Over 1 or few actions that had great reasonings behind them


Great break downs, usually don’t say anything to your posts cause I usually agree with everything said 🤣, only normal love story in Henrik…..cause he didn’t get one ☠️, but yeah the love stories are crazy, guess with 1,000 years of life, a normal love story goes out the window 😂, I always found it funny how Hope just accepted the love story between her dad, mom and uncle I’d be so confused and awkward 😂


Can’t wait next episode


Yep! Do I think she made the right choice at the end of S2? No. That was never going to go well for any of them. But do I think it was wrong to feel the way she did? No. She had every right to want Hope to get to have a normal life with a normal family without the threat of the Mikaelson family’s enemies. And I don’t think she deserved what Klaus did to her, and neither did the rest of the wolves. I get why he did it, it did keep her alive. But he should’ve helped look for a way to save them, instead he took pleasure in it. I also don’t blame him for being upset at Hayley for trying to take Hope. I think they were all wrong in that situation. They all had bad communication and paid the price for that. The thing is, people get upset at people for retaliating against Klaus, or doing anything against him, but he’s basically always the instigator. (I admit, I’m kinda guilty of this too at times as he IS my favourite character, but I also look at things from the other POV because I recognise the reasoning…)


I love klaus to, I think he’s one of the most beautifully complicated characters to ever be written in any shows or movies, just dislike the Stan’s 😅 wish they were more open is all, kinda like in TVD with Damon, many reactors I’ve seen are woman and because Damon is as hot as he is they all always protected him in every instance which made watching TVD reaction’s impossible for me😂. Also another question, I agree with everything BTW, but in the plan of running, you think it woulda worked had klaus not sided with dahlia?


I’ve personally not seen what you’ve seen at least from that perspective. I have a sister so many times I don’t find a lot strange from the affection shown between any of the siblings, but Ik people who have siblings who think hugging is gross so idk 😂, but also it can be a result of the 1,000 year old bond they share. We see strong bonds as humans for a few decades of family imagine 1,000. Like Rebekah said in season 1 when hayley asked why she sticks with klaus after all the horrible things he’s done, “it’s almost like leaving them is like losing a part of yourself” due to the 1,000 year old bond.


We're on the same page about Haley, i won't elaborate any further lol


Can’t wait for next episode


No. I don’t think it would’ve worked. Dahlia was a very powerful witch, she could’ve found them easily and she would’ve killed them. As much as I think Klaus went too far with certain things, I do think his plan was the best option. (I just think he should’ve tried to save Hayley and the wolves after, and left Gia out of it…) Or, if they’d communicated better and all come up with a plan, that also could’ve worked. But running? No. I don’t think that would’ve worked out.


Intresting, although the chance of successfully pulling it off was small I think executed perfectly it could’ve worked. Dahlia couldn’t find hope because of her bracelet hiding her magic, so that’s why she needed klaus’s blood to find her. If we remember Esther also couldn’t find Rebekah without the blood of a sibling which she used Finns for the spell which is the closest to finding someone that didn’t wanna be found so far. No doubt Dahila is powerful enough but I do think executed by everyone perfectly they stood a chance enough for a year at least as that’s when she’d go back to sleep. As she seemed worried to me on finding hope and even gave into a threat klaus made to her about Elijah and Rebekah making sure to run long enough for her to re fall asleep. Think they ran from mikael for 1,000 years they could’ve done dahlia for at least 1 year😅. I’m not dumb enough to know lots of things could go bad but personally I saw it happening but yeah agree with your other points

John Walker Is That Dude

I can’t stand the way Hayley talks about their enemies cuz she says that whole she made all of Klaus’ hybrids so the could break the curse piss Klaus off challenge him so he would kill them in a sacrifice he didn’t know he was doing I’m like Hayley those hybrids had family and friends they were somebody’s kids what would they do if they find out, than in episode 2 of season 2 Klaus went to the witches to find the white oak stake he brought Hayley with him fully knowing she wanted to kill the witches even those who weren’t apart of Genevieve’s plan to kill Hope she knew Klaus was going to let her kill them if he didn’t get a yes so Hayley earned new enemies right there and this season Hayley murdered 11 innocent witches cuz they didn’t want to work with Davina a person who helped Marcel subjugate, torture and murder witches if those witches find out what Hayley did there’s more witches enemies. Majority of the Mikaelson enemies are vampires who they can easily kill and without a white oak stake they are safe from any attack Hayley is pissing off witches and now she wants to help take down ancient vampires of course she would think like this she actually thought she could 1v1 dahlia. Luckily for Hayley she has the Northeast Atlantic Pack on her side Klaus’ pack a pack Oliver told us in season 1 who has been beefing with the Crescent Wolf pack since the beginning.


The prophecy warns of the death of the originals . Which makes them weak at the moment . The Originals show has enemies that can be a threat to the originals . Mystic falls they were dealing with teenagers . The enemy's on the originals are more of a threat on this show . So kind of take them more seriously then the enemies on Vampire diaries. Kluases Aunt Dahlia is an example of one . The originals aren't unbeatable on here . Just sum to think about.

John Walker Is That Dude

The Strix are so stupid to bring Marcel do their test with the threat of death it’s like they want to die Klaus would bleed them compel them than bite them as they die painfully. Like Klaus said they have their heads so far up their butt to the point they don’t think Klaus wouldn’t slaughter them they are STUCK ON STUPID.


Not really the best bringing in TVD events into Originals show because people change and everyone is much different since. The witches hate the originals far before hayley came along they’ve made it pretty clear. Mostly with marcels rule slaughtering them for just existing. The ancestors blame the originals because they’re the original vampires because of them there are now many running around killing as they please. Hayley also didn’t willingly want to kill 11 witches, was more 0f a fight or flight kinda thing since all 11 witches looked like they were going to kill her themselves for seeing one of there own being murdered so hayley reacted out of self defense Not thirst for blood as your making it sound. The originals have enemies vamps and witches alike, vampires can be killed easily yes but what makes them dangerous is that they can get to loved ones the originals have that aren’t immortal. Anyone to the originals isn’t dangerous because of their immortality. If vampires were so easily killed the originals would just lay waste to the strix but can’t because they have numbers and power that can easily turn their city inside out. Hayley 1v1 isn’t any more stupid than Klaus thinking the exact same thing so please let that point go, it’s not a good one, dahlia woulda clapped klaus and DID with just as much ease as she would’ve with Hayley as a vamp, wolf or hybrid.

Jasmine Bellucci

I agree, Hayley is probably my fav female character in the whole tvdu. She's loyal, strong, lovable, smart and it upsets me when ppl can't seem to understand her. She was terrified for Hope's life ofc as her mother, she came up with that option while the originals had to do something that would've killed Dahlia, Klaus was not talking with anyone about his plan, she knew that it couldn't work. Klaus is probably my favorite character ever, but he makes mistakes, actually more than anyone else in the show, still i love him, but I'm aware he can be an ass very often 🤣


There’s actually a really good reason why they invited marcel to the strix, if you watch back the season I’m sure you can find out why, I can’t say as it’s spoilers but no it was actually very smart move and showed results as you and me both know


Yeah, I agree hayley isn’t my favorite but she’s easily and definitely the most important female character in my opinion. I think people assume I hate klaus cause I’m always arguing against him but this show is so complex I can easily make an argument for everyone including klaus, just think he has the biggest following so have to stick up for the other misunderstood characters😂. But yeah like I’ve said klaus is a such a brilliant character and love him cause of it, it’s hard to dislike him regardless of his crazy persona

John Walker Is That Dude

Well if u think about in the ending episodes of season 2, season 3 and in season 4 of TVD we were told by Rose, the Salvatore’s, Elijah and Rebekah about theirs and especially Klaus’ so now that they are here we can say they were taking about these ancient vampires. Well they did bring over Esther, Kol, Finn, Tyler and Mikael so they could bring over the loved ones of those hybrids. I only brought up the family and friends of those hybrids cuz they are enemies Hayley made we don’t have to see them to say that is all I’m saying. Klaus being the smartest being he wouldn’t go after Dahlia without a plan he knows her power Hayley told Mary she was going to help Jackson and the wolves against Klaus and Dahlia who she thought were working separately she ddoesnt know that Dahlia freed Klaus all she knew is that Klaus has been trying to murder dahlia it’s why she said why is she went u and than she told Dahlia I’m going to skin u alive I’m like Hayley Klaus is working with her. Also remember the night they tried to leave when Hayley made the decision to leave she said as strong as the Mikaelsons are they are afraid and cautious of Dahlia only to turn around and say “im about to wreck u Dahlia to her face” where do they do that at. Also dahlia was killing the wolves with ease who stood guard over the protected Jazz club Hayley knows this and just like with Klaus she thinks her arms are long enough to box withGOD. Also we were told about Klaus’ pack in TVD we never saw them until season 1 of the originals. This show could’ve been more awesome if Klaus pack moved to New Orleans when they brought Ansel who went unnamed in TVD they should have brought his pack and now imagine the Hayley and crescents took the cub of they King their it would have been amazing to watch the war Oliver told us that they had. Also know imagine Klaus’ pack find out that the offspring of Mikael did this to Klaus they would trust the Mikaelson cuz Klaus is one of them but in the back of their minds they know what Mikael did to Ansel. It would’ve been better cuz dahlia would still be a threat but a wolf war would have helped her take Hope cuz it would be Klaus and his pack against everybody else while also trying to protect Hope. They had the chance to show a wolf vs wolf war instead of the tired vampire vs wolf cuz Oliver said the wolves were beefing before the Mikaelsons arrived in America it would’ve be been something new in this genre in movies and tv shows cuz it’s always been wolf vs vampires it’s like getting told the uncle Ben storyline in Spider-Man the MCU did something different.

John Walker Is That Dude

It’s smart and really dumb at the same time Klaus if u kill Marcel it’s curtains for them. all I’m saying is I hope they are smart enough to know Elijah wouldn’t help them when the slaughter starts happening


I understand why you brought up the hybrids in TVD but your trying to compare a dozen hybrids to probably hundreds if not thousands of enemies the originals have which I don’t think is a good comparison. Once again klaus is a great strategist but his plan would’ve failed, wrong ingredients = shitty plan that he was willing to take a gamble at had he not been daggered. Also hayley I’m sure knew that she wasn’t going to be able to beat dahlia and klaus, she said what she did to dahlia out of anger, they were cornered so obviously the only option is fighting and out of rage she started to run her mouth. No different than when mikael and klaus talked big game against dahlia and got wrecked. It’s just trash talking be it to seem strong or out of rage, hayley knew she couldn’t win but had to fight so what did you expect her to say? “Oh I’m going to get wrecked but will fight you anyways”. About klaus’s pack I’m pretty sure they didn’t like klaus no? I could be wrong as I don’t remember correctly but the one from klaus pack that had ansels ring back in season 2 I believe. Didn’t he tell something to klaus along the lines of not being like him or not accepting him? But anyways yeah I do agree klaus pack could’ve been an interesting don’t think it woulda helped against the dahlia situation, or even against the. Originals if klaus and his family disagreed on something but sure I woulda helped vs crescents only if klaus pack accepted him which I’m pretty sure they didn’t based on that 1 member shown


Think it just has risk, like all great plans happen without risk but smart overall for sure. And think they know after all they all hold a grudge towards Elijah so I’m sure they know that they can’t count on him

John Walker Is That Dude

Jackson said that in season 1 the night of Elijah’s party. Cary is the only named Northeast Atlantic Pack wolf we know other than Ansel, Klaus and Hope. Cary isn’t just member he’s also directly related to Klaus cuz he had Ansels moonlight ring that was passed down to Ansels descendants. Season 1 episode 9 when Klaus ordered Diego to take the vampires to kill the Crescents so they could see he wasn’t trying to make new hybrids Eve told Elijah and Rebekah to not worry about them they know how to hide in the bayou she told them to rescue Klaus’ pack who came to see the birth of Klaus’ child who is apart of their pack she told them they were important eve just didn’t tell them why those wolves are important she said see for yourself. Elijah stopped Diego and marcels vampires from killing them Elijah saw the moonlight ring cuz before it became Ansels moonlight ring Esther wore it. Given that Klaus is Ansels son the ring belongs to Klaus Cary gave it to Elijah willingly who gave it to Klaus. Elijah and Rebekah told him they found his pack and someone directly related to Klaus. Klaus went to father K to get him to protect his pack from the vampires and he couldn’t show that he’s protecting wolves from the vampires. When they needed to complete the harvest Klaus and Hayley took canned food to the church we found out that offscreen Klaus has been helping them for awhile it wound have been nice to see it Hayley was shocked that he was helping wolves he told her they are his and unborn Hopes clan. Offscreen we also learned that Cary has been talking to Klaus and Klaus asked him to talk to their pack to find out what was the stone in Ansels moonlight ring Klaus was about kill Oliver cuz he was roughing up Cary when Klaus asked him to find Cary. Back to Jackson he was acting like he talked for all wolves when he said “what if the other half don’t want him” he changed his mind when Klaus told him about Esther’s moonlight ring she made for Ansel cuz they wouldn’t be as defenseless in their human form. Season 1 to this point in the show we don’t know where Cary and Klaus’ pack went but they made it known offscreen he was helping them they made them important than they disappeared cuz there’s no way when Ansel came back that he wouldn't seek out his pack and just chill with Jackson that’s not the man Esther spoke to Klaus about in season two.


Quite impressed with your references, why can’t you always be like this in all our other convos 😂, but was it all just to prove that klaus would’ve been accepted by his wolf clan? Cause I did say I couldn’t remember properly about Cary disliking klaus. But for sure for me on your side there, great job on the references