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I'll See You in Hell or New Orleans

Klaus and Elijah must work together to root out Lucien's true motives; Lucien reveals information about his past with Klaus to Cami; Marcel receives an offer from a mysterious figure; Hayley tries to cope with her situation.

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Can’t wait ep 5

golam rabbi

This season was written beautifully


Fantastic reaction


You did pick up on Lucien's obvious insecurities....He is a vampire like all the others meaning via compel they could have anything they want..but he's the only one we've seen that constantly flaunts his money because he grew up in the middle age as a commoner of lower status and has carried around that inferiority complex for 900 years and insists on pointing out he is rich now, pretty crazy...The idea for the Strix is wholesale COOL- the fact that there is an entire society of vampires each of them 800-900 years old cream of the crop vampires that each probably would tear through any vampires we've met in TVD verse changes the whole power dynamic...the scales of power are nothing like TVD.


I'm excited to see her reaction to episode 14👀

Jay zay

Marcel is like 300+ year old I’m pretty sure

Nebulous Shooter

The Originals where in the governor house in1800ish, so Marcel is barely over 200, too lazy to look up the exact dates :))

Nebulous Shooter

I so want to comment on this, but can't yet until Sofie is caught up, but Power Levels are one of my biggest gripes with TVDverse,

Jay zay

I thought he was like 300+. Cause I thought they were there around the 1700. Weird I always thought he was over 300 cause I always assumed he was older than damon and Stefan.


I honestly love the relationship between Klaus and Lucien, it's so interesting to me. I mean, Klaus was weirdly at one of the most vulnerable times of his life when they met. He'd just been turned a couple of years ago, his werewolf side bound by his Mother, who he also killed and hid it from his siblings, and they were all getting used to not only vampirism but being on the run from Mikael. It was definitely a vulnerable time, not physically but emotionally. And Lucien was someone who's life he spared, who helped them all, and was even more vulnerable. You see that Klaus was clearly very protective of him, the way he reacted to Tristan was the first time in these flashbacks we've seen him be even slightly threatening. I really enjoy seeing him in this way, it makes it really sad though when you then look at how he became. I'm also really excited for you to see more of Aurora. I honestly love her. And the chemistry between her and Klaus is actually amazing... Tristan acting like Elijah... Yeah, you'll find out more about that, and why he turned him eventually, don't worry. But yeah, it is very like Elijah for his sireline to be so organised like this. The Strix are really cool and interesting. And yeah, you're right. The fact that they're so old means they're close to Original strength, and there being so many of them definitely make them feel like more of a threat. I love having all these older vampires, it really does make you think about the power dynamics in vampires. And it really puts in perspective all the TVD vamps who were very young in the overall scheme of things. I feel for Marcel tbh. He's not wrong. Yes, compared to them all he's still very young, 200-300ish. But he's not a child, despite the fact that I think part of Klaus and Elijah will always see him as that young boy. When it comes down to it, he can make his own decisions, and yet he's still treated like a little kid. I do understand WHY Elijah is like that with him, like I said, I think part of him still sees him as that boy he watched grow up and helped raise, and he's dealing with vampires 3x his age who Elijah knows and he knows what they're capable of. But I also completely see where Marcel is coming from in his annoyance, he did run New Orleans for about a century without them there, and he's grown up and it can be pretty patronising... Klaus admitting he went too far with what he did to Elijah and Hayley is a HUGE growth! He admitted he was wrong, that was pretty much the closest to an apology we've had from him! And him saying Elijah will never fall by his hand! 🥺😭 I am glad Elijah didn't just immediately forgive him though. Like, I hate seeing them fight and all, it makes me sad and I just want them to be close again, but it's good for Elijah to stand his ground and not just forgive Klaus the instant there's trouble for the family and he kinda admits he was wrong. He's ALWAYS forgiving him for the things he puts him through, so I think it's pretty good for him that he's allowing himself to stay angry for a bit. I'm really looking forward to the next few episodes. :)


hes obviously older than the salvatore brothers, google says his age is 211-216, there's no exact from what I'm finding


marcel was born 1810 turned 1835, stefan born 1846 turned 1864, damon was born 1839 turned 1864.


Despite the fractured bond between Elijah and klaus, the reassurance klaus gave Elijah that he wouldn’t strike him down was one of the most beautiful scenes between the 2

Joseph LeRoy

We know Klaus will be the strongest with him being a hybrid. I would think that the vampires turned within 50ish years of the rest of the originals would be around the same strength as them. Skill levels would depend on the life they've had. I wonder if the originals are stronger just because of being the first regardless of the age difference.


Yes the orginals are stronger souly because of age, aside from the other vampires being almost the same age as the orginals (some at least) the fact that they (strix) would’ve learned martial arts throughout the years closed the gap a bit and add numbers to that and they can rival an orginal for Sure

Zeph 802

It feels like one giant poem that keeps getting more and more complex I just love it


Without going into the nitty gritty, it was a recurring problem in TVDVerse- mainly for these reasons. Most of the combat between creatures bar witches involves physical combat hand to hand- there is discrepancy between vampires being considered 'strong' as they are old and more experienced which is widely accepted and makes sense, but also the double standard is that some creatures like hybrids etc are stronger than even vampires way older just because of their supernatural status as in hybrid are physically stronger, but realistically are so new they shouldn't even have the combat abilities to deal with experienced vampires a hundred times their age... and it's like that ability to fight better is 'donated' to them by virtue of their status which makes no sense....The two are hard to reconcile, sometimes it makes little sense...Add to that degree of anger and resolve etc, for instance in TVD scenes where newbie vampires like Caroline would fight hybrids or originals and would last even a sec really makes no sense to me- on the other hand Tyler fighting Damon and old-ish vampires is also strange because they are more experienced, have more abilities- and on the other hand he's supposed to be tougher just because of status, sometimes it would just even out the scales I guess..And it would depend in what we mean by strength when it comes to confrontation- For instance I would say Klaus is doubtless 'stronger' than Elijah, but I would argue based on what we've seen Elijah is still the better 'fighter' - the two aren't always mutual


I would add in the books this is much different as it deals way more into vampires having magical abilities and being able to accumulate them as they get older- like force fields, transformation and much more- and so by virtue of being so old they would learn new tricks and the ancient vampires in those books were stronger not because they were 'originals' but just because they were the oldest and been around the blocks, and knew all the craziest tricks