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The Last of the Starks

Jon and Daenerys look to the South in the wake of a costly victory, and Tyrion proposes a compromise which could help to ease tensions.

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I'm sorry guys for the delay, I had to edit the episode again according to the watch along format. 




Jasmine Reigns

I truly believe that Missandei was the last of Dany’s innocence I feel 😭 her losing Jorah , Rhaegal and Missandei in the span of like 24 hours is crazyyyyy 😢 Emilia spoke not one word in that last scene but all the emotions were on her face and in the eyes, phenomenal acting along with Greyworm that man is tough and it took killing Missandei for him to break and look away like that! ughh can't wait for the next episode


Hah...The episode which I frankly did not care to revisit because it is the most enraging ep of all GOT for me lmao....What can you say? Everything speaks for itself, Jon doesn't care what he is told, Sansa can't hold a secret that Ned kept for almost twenty years more than 20 minutes...Guess it goes to show her time with Little Finger definitely tainted her sense of common sense in favor of plotting and spreading chaos...A fleet of ships comes by totally unnoticed and wrecks a Dragon(remember what i said about subverting expectations...) Just because we don't EXPECT IT! DOSEN'T mean it's a GOOD IDEA!!! LOL So yea talk about diminishing returns for Dragons-they have no more credibility coz any idiot dude with mascara can swindle in a boat and shoot them out of the sky, when they are IN THE SKY and should see everything around them for miles RIGHT DAENERYS!!! LMAO The plot with Danny- makes sense- even if it is sad...But is is SO RUSHED! By god iv'e seen nothing this rushed and infuriating ever- it's like we are getting 2 seasons worth of a plot framed in 10 minutes of screen time to justify an end of season plot for a season that is already rushed in itself! Jamie's arc is the bleakest and most depressing message, and not in a good way, there's nothing fulfilling or interesting about it- it's the most depressing message ever, no matter what you do to improve yourself or make yourself a better person you'll never get past your ways; you'll never be able to break from cruelty and toxic shit and you'll always be drawn to the same garbage ways and garbage people and you'll never let yourself be happy...It's the one biggest spit in the face....This is the progression we get after 8 seasons people, just backtracking on the progress. And past that- the writing, everything is heading in a very telling direction and it's not looking good. And not in a way where there is aptly adapted tragedy like Red Wedding quality of shock and drama; just in a way that is rushed and half-assing a story that you never bothered setting up properly and that you know will reflect what you have set up in this episode. Even Ghost get's screwed over big time! lmao

Melanie Serra

Please don't be like so many fans and so many reactors who love Dany and her dragons so much that they don't even bother trying to figure out the reasons for Sansa's behavior. They just think that Sansa is bad, stupid, unfair and jealous and look for the slightest excuse to denigrate Dany and betray Jon. Sansa doesn't look for the slightest excuse to denigrate Dany because she has understood who she is dealing with. It doesn't matter if it's Dany,Jon or whoever else ascends to the Throne,Sansa just wants the North to be independent and her family and people to be safe because she's seen what the people who have shown interest or had access to this kind of power have done to her family and what they are capable of. She had no intention of betraying her promise and confessing Jon's true identity to Tyrion She was willing to keep this information to herself and only reveal it at the last moment, after realizing that Tyrion feared Dany and maybe he could try to find a solution. Sansa has lived with monstrous people, capable of the worst things to have power and is now able to recognize them. Dany becomes dark from season to season. She never had a problem burning people, unleashing her dragons on them without caring if among the crowd there were innocent people. She never hid that she was ready to burn entire cities and kill anyone who stood in her way to get what she wanted. She is convinced that she acts for the greater good and that people should be grateful to her and submit to her.It was obvious that she was going to end up breaking down, committing the irreparable and starting to look more and more like the people against whom she had always fought.


Well partly I feel like her reaction to the situation is her own and shouldn’t be to us to say don’t be -like this/ like that. She owns her own feelings towards the story I feel, I don’t want a reaction tailored to a specific viewpoint. And btw a lot of people’s reaction in a majority speak to the general conscencus. I am not stupid in a way as to ignore Sansa’s motives that dosen’t mean that I have to accept what she does is necessarily intelligent. And while on the subject I don’t expect to change your mind but in a practical way they have not set up Daenerys entirely loosing all her buttons like that…She never killed the innocent wantonly…In that time and age there is context when you say ‘was willing to burn and kill people’..She was willing to kill enemies who killed the innocents or in the context of war.- that dosen’t make you a psycho in that context. If she had always been a tyrant she never would have gotten the love or following that she did from millions of people that she freed from servitude. . She never would be the girl who wept while chaining her dragons because they hurt a single child by accident. Her character was never -madness- I’m not mad that this storyline came to be necessarily you have to realize I am simply mad at its execution. To be done properly it should have been more gradual and more obvious at the same time. We simply deserved a better job with it. I heard arguments of the type you make often but frankly to me it’s just trying to make excuses for the writers doing a lazy job and retroactively coming back on bare bones story beats in previous seasons to justify it.

Joseph LeRoy

We need more time, but Jon is actually the perfect person to rule. He has the perfect ancestry to be successful and keep all the kingdoms united together. Almost all the right people are in place to control each kingdom that would be loyal. Dany should destroy Kings Landing and Jon should kill her. The lands should be split between the closest kingdoms and Jon can rule from Winterfell with Sansa, Davos, and Arya as advisors. Those 4 would pretty much represent all the viewpoints for a successful counsel. Gendry Baratheon can control the Stormlands. Samwell Tarly can control the Reach. Robin Arryn can control the Vale and would be loyal because of the Stark ties. Edmure Tully can control the Riverlands and would be loyal again because of the Stark ties and the Tully ties to them. Tormund can control the rest of the Wildlings wherever in the North. Tryion Lannister can control the Westerlands. All of these are ancient and known houses and bloodlines from each region. The wildcards would be the new Prince Martell from Dorne and Yara Greyjoy from the Iron Islands. With the rest of the kingdoms united they would probably end up falling in line too without much of a fight. With that roster the realm would be in a good position to rebuild and prosper for the future. They'd just have to worry about Drogon and the rest of Dany's army lol.

Melanie Serra

OK . maybe I did not express myself in the right way. Of course she has the right to think what she wants about the situation and the characters, just like you and everyone else who watches GOT. Everyone has the right to think what they want and I totally agree with that. I'm just giving my opinion in the comments like everyone else. Regarding Sansa, even if she is also not a favorite, I always thought that people judged her way too quickly without really trying to understand her personality and her motivations and her fears. And regarding Daenerys, I'm not claiming that she's bad or that she's always done badly. She suffered a lot, she lost a lot and always fought to get out of it. I just feel, like a lot of people, that the understandable, fair, and reasonable woman of the first six seasons is gone. The Daenerys of the past two seasons is a cold, prideful woman obsessed with revenge and the Iron Throne. Who demands that the whole world bend their knees to her and submit, who makes no effort to make people trust her, who does not accept that people distrust her. And the reason is that indeed, the people in charge of writing these last seasons have screwed up.


Well I think part of the reasoning into which why Danny became much more like a ruler than her more friendly self in her early stages is because 1 she has lost so many people she’s cared fighting for her cause which most times she asked them not to but they continued to drill in her head her rightful place as ruler from the 7 kingdoms. And also because everytime she’s tried the nice approach it’s back fired in some way shape or form. She’s done her best to be fair and nice as a ruler and all that happens is she’s either taken advantage of or not taken seriously at all. So after so many failures her old way she decided to be more stone cold which even early this season she was still fairly reasonable, but as the show progress you can tell more and more of her rational nice side chips away. Her obsession to the iron throne in a way isn’t just for her but for all those that fought for her and died, and all those that followed her to a better life so she’s not just getting it cause it’s her rightful claim (she says that because that’s what everyone has been telling her) but instead fighting for the throne for all her people and dead loyal followers. I disagree with the revengeful part up till this episode because she accepted Tyrion and even made him her hand and spared Jamie which killed her father so if that doesn’t show mercy over revenge idk what else can.

Chantelle Miles (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-25 05:38:19 C'mon Jon deserves no hate or anger over Ghost. Its the show who did ghost wrong. Jon loves ghost and never treated him like a pet, of course he'd give Ghost a good goodbye if it were up to the character. Unfortunately this season was rushed and Ghost only got a nod from Jon. Did u notice how Jon tried to take Rhaegal with him but Grey worm moved the dragon piece Jon took during the battle strategy meeting. Rhaegal deserved sooo much better, he may have survived if Jon had taken him or if Dany had waited for him to heal more like Sansa suggested.
2023-03-25 04:36:24 C'mon Jon deserves no hate or anger over Ghost. Its the show who did ghost wrong. Jon loves ghost and never treated him like a pet, of course he'd give Ghost a good goodbye if it were up to the character. Unfortunately this season was rushed and Ghost only got a nod from Jon. Did u notice how Jon tried to take Rhaegal with him but Grey worm moved the dragon piece Jon took during the battle strategy meeting. Rhaegal deserved sooo much better, he may have survived if Jon had taken him or if Dany had waited for him to heal more like Sansa suggested.

C'mon Jon deserves no hate or anger over Ghost. Its the show who did ghost wrong. Jon loves ghost and never treated him like a pet, of course he'd give Ghost a good goodbye if it were up to the character. Unfortunately this season was rushed and Ghost only got a nod from Jon. Did u notice how Jon tried to take Rhaegal with him but Grey worm moved the dragon piece Jon took during the battle strategy meeting. Rhaegal deserved sooo much better, he may have survived if Jon had taken him or if Dany had waited for him to heal more like Sansa suggested.

Wisdom of the Sphynx

Hi SoFie, I think all fans were pissed about Ghost not getting a good bye and Rhaegal getting no scope sniped…as well as the torching 🔥🔥 of Jamie’s story arch and of course Tyrion’s IQ dropping several hundred points per episode in the last seasons. Hang in there only a few episodes to go.

Fernando F.

I read that there was no interaction between Jon and Ghost because the CGI costed a fortune. But I also thought that if I was about to leave my dog behind with other people, I wouldn't want to have a last contact that the dog will interpret he was coming with me. Jaime was torn between evil Cersei and loyal Brienne. Probably he will love for Cersei to have some of Brienne's qualities. But at the end, Cersei was his first love and that push him to go back. When Sam was with Jon they ended playing the Citadel's theme. SoFie... great reactions from you as usual. p.s.: and as usual you look beautiful.

Fernando F.

I noticed that during the intro, when the camera moves goes underground on Winterfell, the mechanisms that were working on the previous episode are malfunctioning now... kind of sad