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The gang tries interrogating Angelus to find out how to kill the beast, but find out nothing, except that Angel's soul has been stolen.

Link to the reaction:





Say what you want about S4 but the remainder of the season is amazing!


I really love these episodes. I think at this point david boreanaz has blossomed into his peak acting and I liked Angelus this time around much more than BtVS season 2. He just doesn’t miss. He’s absolutely terrifying. His sick humor reminds me of Pennywise kinda. The way he weaponizes everyone’s secrets and insecurities and the creepy/amused stares. There is a lot of controversy around this season, it’s polarizing to the fandom the way season 6 of buffy is. But it only gets more intense and suspenseful from here, so buckle up!

Martin Waits

DB is just much better all around when he plays Angelus than when he plays Angel.

Kendra Frank

Sophie, if you ever rewatch some of your fav buffyverse episodes, will you record that as well? ❤️ I'd love to see your reaction now knowing everything you know now


R u going to post anything today?