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Ashes to Ashes

Klaus' ultimate plan to protect Hope takes shape; Cami reveals information that causes Elijah and Rebekah to rethink their plans; Vincent is torn between a new life and a personal obligation.

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Saturday night reaction? Yes and thank you


Great reaction excited for you to get to season three it’s my favorite season

Jasmine Reigns

Claudia Black is an excellent actress man I can’t talk enough about how she played Dahlia to perfection ✨ On to my favorite season 😭

Ian Caudillo

agreed love her, she was the best part of one of my favorite shows Farscape.


What you said about the parallel between Dahlia forgiving Esther and Elijah being unable to do the same for Klaus, is so true. And I'd like to add onto that. Dahlia spent 1000 years unable to forgive her sister, holding onto all that anger and pain until she just couldn't do it anymore. She was tired of it, she just wanted her sister, and saw that she could have it. Whereas Elijah has spent 1000 years forgiving Klaus' many wrongdoings towards him and the rest of their siblings, until he couldn't do it anymore. He's now tired of it, he's forgiven so many awful things and it's been eating away at him slowly until he got to his breaking point. I just love that the situations completely parallel each other. They both switched for the same reasons, because they were tired of how they'd been going about things for 1000 years.


CO2 emissions in New Orleans (in the show) seem to be rather high with all those corpses burning and burning material as a whole. And now on the my favorite THE Originals season.


I can not wait for episode 5 of season 3

John Walker Is That Dude

If Elijah truly cared for Klaus he says he does he wouldn’t have helped Mikael and Esther steal his wolf side by ur logic Klaus shouldn’t forgive them all for watching Esther and Mikael steal his wolf side and doing nothing to help him. Klaus’ siblings betrayed him first the fans and especially the characters act like that didn’t happen first.

John Walker Is That Dude

When Klaus found out that it was Elijah not Esther who murdered Tatia Klaus first love Elijah and especially the fans told him to get over it happened a thousand years they demanded Klaus forgive him for that. Should Klaus forgive them for putting Hope’s life in danger they left Hope defenseless?


You love bringing up that one scenario when Elijah did it out of fear of Mikael and like we have seen he doesn’t forgive himself and Klaus has so that scenario has no significance. Elijah did that 1 scenerio out of fear of mikael so what has Klaus’s reasoning been for all his awful acts to his family? Nothing more than jealousy and and I’ll will towards them. You mentioned on another chat that Klaus’s greatest fear was being daggered and the betrayal of it, I’d like to think Elijahs GREATEST fear is losing his family no? As a family man where that’s his most important responsibility is his family and if I remember correctly in TVD klaus had stolen their family from Elijah and made him believe he had sunk his entire family to the depths of the ocean. Why? Cause it’s Klaus. Or how about the murder of their mother? Did klaus have the right to secretly kill their mother and pin it on Mikael? No he didn’t, he had every right to hate her but not murder, yet Elijah and Rebekah forgave him for it. Regardless your horrible argument Elijah has more than made up for his mistake by putting up with Klaus’s stubbornness throughout the years and klaus knows this, that’s why he says himself that it’s not a happy ending klaus isn’t dumb he’s super smart and knows what he’s done was just like sofie said “to break your enemy he’s broken his Family” which is a shame as that’s all he ever knows to do instead of working together with them to defeat his enemies


Klaus forgave Elijah immediately because it had no significance, you talk about klaus forgiving Elijah for putting hopes life in danger when klaus did the exact same thing. His original plan to kil dahlia solo WOULDNT GAVE WORKED cami literally said “ your plan wasn’t going to work Klaus infiltrated her mind and found out her weaknesses” meaning he found out Esther to be the key after he was daggered and talked to dahlia, had it not been for him being daggered He would have attempted to solo dahlia and would have easily been subdued leaving hope and his entire family to now rescue him and protect hope

John Walker Is That Dude

This episode made hate Elijah even more cuz he’s crying about what he did to Hayley when it was he a thousand years ago u helped pin Klaus down so Esther and Mikael to steal his wolf side. Elijah it was u who condemned Klaus to never having his wolf side he’s a born wolf and u stole it from him Elijah u fracking hypocrite.

John Walker Is That Dude

Elijah Klaus doesn’t need ur Tatia murdering hypocrisy all he need is Hope the baby u tried to STEAL from him.

Jasmine Bellucci

Jeez John Walker, how can u like the show with so much hatred towards everyone but Klaus? You're so biased 😂

Jasmine Bellucci

I can't wait for season 3, that's my favorite season

Zeph 802

The baby Klaus would’ve let die if it wasn’t for Elijah… are you trolling or being serious? I can’t tell

Zeph 802

Cami and Vincent’s friendship is my favourite

John Walker Is That Dude

He was scared about the possibility for what about 30 mins. When Klaus fans talk about how everybody was a threat to Hope cuz of their actions y’all bring up a moment of weakness from Klaus when he said that. The one thing y’all never bring up is when Hayley the girl Elijah likes tried to ABORT Hope so miss me with Klaus moment of weakness he has never attempted to kill Hope Hayley got the ingredients to do so. Klaus fans don’t bring that up cuz we saw as the moment of weakness that it was why can’t u. If we are going to talk about the threat to Hope before and after her birth let’s talk about it all.

John Walker Is That Dude

Oh so I’m supposed to like every character why do I have to. It’s amazing y’all get bent out of shape over that fact. Also these are my feelings for the characters to this point of the series. I liked Monique cuz she actually cares about the witches, I like the ancestors they are interesting, I like Cami, I liked Genevieve, I have more sympathy for Finn, and I loved Ansel. It’s crazy I have to defend my love for a show cuz I don’t love the characters y’all seem to want me to care about. There are people who hate Klaus nobody questions their love for a show.

John Walker Is That Dude

Also we don’t know what his second plan also it was Freya’s plan who said would 100% worked the fact that she thought she broke Dahlia’s heart was dumb. Esther is the root of everybody’s pain. From the moment Freya brought up her dumb plan I knew it was Esther I didn’t need to see it cuz when we saw her come get Freya it was all about a payment. The only thing we didn’t know is that she did it to help Freya from the first born curse of their bloodline something Freya failed to mention while she tried to use Hope as bait something people forgive her over but if Klaus did it would’ve been a problem.

John Walker Is That Dude

Daggering Klaus was stupid people defend that cuz of how everything turned out after the fact. Let’s really look at that what if Dahlias plan was to subdue the strongest leaving her to deal the weakest. What if Dahlia’s plan didn’t include Klaus she just want him out of the way. What if dahlia showed up to the compound without Klaus walking into their stupid ambush what would happened if that was the scenario and not the one that we got. In the scenario where Klaus is still daggered all she had to deal with is Elijah, Freya and Rebekah as soon as their dumb ambush starts is the moment it ended she would have killed them like it was nothing. Also let’s talk about the dumb magical bracelet they came up with another dumb plan we learned from Ansel every full moon while shifted into his wolf form he woke up closer to Hope cuz of his blood connection. All Dahlia needed to find Hope was Klaus’ blood and because of their stupid plan to dagger Klaus getting his blood would have taken seconds to get cuz he was defenseless she could have killed him while he was daggered or leave him daggered with no one to undagger him. What if Dahlia showed up to the Hope’s kidnappers the Crescent wolf pack without Hope that fight ends faster than the ambush at the compound. So daggering Klaus was and is still dumb people only say it’s good cuz of how it ended nobody knew dahlias plan all we knew is that she wanted him clearly out of the way for a reason cuz he could be her strongest opponent or her strongest ally.

John Walker Is That Dude

Are we seriously saying Klaus killing Esther was a bad thing Elijah and Rebekah being mad over that still pisses me off. Cuz we learned this season that Esther used Klaus’ birth as a way to make Mikael be a husband and father again. Esther didn’t fully have Klaus cuz of only her love for him she used him so Finn, Elijah, Kol, Rebekah, and Henrick could have a father who cared for them. Klaus’ so call siblings saw from the age of 7 until they turned Klaus being emotionally and physically TORTURED they saw him almost beaten to death numerous times. We saw Elijah and Rebekah defend him twice and we also know Rebekah stole Mikael’s knife when Mikael blamed Klaus Rebekah could have returned the knife before Klaus was almost beaten to death but she did nothing until it was over she cared for him the most weeks after not just cuz of love cuz of it was her fault for the beating. Who didn’t Klaus mention Esther she had the power the entire time from the first time Mikael ever touched Klaus to stop him she could have killed Mikael but like I said she wanted Mikael to be a father to her other kids. Esther could have woke up one night woke Klaus up took him to Ansel and Klaus’ other family who would have actually loved him tell them to relocate to another part of America and show Klaus love Esther’s good at making up lies about kids dying she could have done it for Klaus not out of fear like Freya but for the love of Klaus she had many chances to be a mother to Klaus she chose not to she was a mother to her other kids. So the their defense of Esther hurts Klaus wether they know it or not cuz he didn’t have to live the way he lived.

John Walker Is That Dude

The reason why I bring up the first betrayal is cuz of Elijah’s own words in the first episode of season 1 Elijah talks about the first time he saw Mikael hit Klaus “he should have struck him dead” that happened while Elijah was around 10 or 11. He talks about how he should have protected him while they were human he had chance to finally do something either do it or stop talking about doing it. Finn, Elijah, Kol, and Rebekah had the numbers on their side instead of helping Klaus Elijah helped and the others watch what did Klaus do to them at that moment of time for them to not do a damn thing. We saw in Fairwell To Storyville that when Klaus was in his mid-20’s he was being beaten Rebekah came in with a sword threatening to kill Mikael. We also saw Rebekah having a knife about to murder Mikael in his sleep who stops her Elijah we also hear Elijah talk about how he wished he killed Mikael that night. We hear Elijah say while human that from the moment Mikael first Klaus he shoud have protected him from Mikael we saw him defending Klaus with Rebekah. Also remember the flashback where we saw Elijah and Klaus hunting he tried to defend Klaus at that moment he was just a human boy at that time. Also we see the flashback from 1919 when Elijah refusing to help Mikael he wasn’t fearful and Mikael tried to stake him with the white oak stake something Elijah should be afraid of but he wasn’t he said “I will always CHOOSE HIM” my point is where was that bravery when Mikael didn’t have a white oak stake at some point do what u say or shut up cuz him not being afraid of a Mikael with the white oak stake doesn’t explain why he was afraid when he helped them steal Klaus humanity his wolf side from him. Can u explain why he was scared of Mikael without the white oak stake but he was wasn’t scared of Mikael with the white oak stake make that make sense?

Zeph 802

I love when people comment "Y'all" and assume everything about a person from one comment, it's so ignorant it's funny. Not that I have to clarify but I prefer Klaus to Hayley, however, I can still understand their fear at that moment. The only difference is Klaus was willing to let Hayley get stripped of her agency, but when she considered aborting the baby, that was completely her choice, and that is a major difference. My main point is that Elijah has always worked in the best interest of Hope, so you saying he doesn't need him is so baffling

John Walker Is That Dude

Klaus wasn’t willing to let Hayley get stripped of her agency her agency was stripped before Klaus arrived back in New Orleans the Deveraux sisters already did the spell that bonded Hayley’s life to Sophie. How could Klaus stop her being stripped of her agency if it already happen. When I say y’all I’m talking from a macro standpoint the fans were more mad at Klaus who had fear for 30 mins it’s safe to say Hayley put thought into aborting unborn Hope she got the ingredients to do it be people harp on Klaus but not her it’s the hypocrisy I can’t stand Rebekah didn’t care Klaus did. Also stop looking at Klaus like he’s a human he’s a wolf they defend their cubs to the death so Klaus doesn’t need his help cuz of Elijah’s so call help Hope’s life was in danger cuz he daggered her best and only chance of being safe.

John Walker Is That Dude

This episode makes me dislike Davina even more. She showed again she doesn’t care about the witches at all. She only became regent is cuz Vincent manipulated her into doing the job he didn’t want by telling her she would have enough power to bring back pointless and uninteresting Kol. As regent she is supposed to look after every New Orleans witch Hope happens to be such when told about her well-being being threatened Davina didn’t care about Hope than nor did she care about Hope when she Mikael back who tried to murder Hayley and unborn Hope. Now she is going to start a war cuz Elijah and Rebekah high jacked her one time use of the ancestors power to bring back Esther a witch and not Kol an original vampire so they could take down dahlia. I’m pretty sure the ancestors hated the dahlia an outsider murdered Josephine. Every single regent ever in New Orleans all used the one time use to do something for the witches as a whole that is what Vincent told her instead she chose to do something that benefited her and not the witches . Now davina is going to make innocent fight a war over Kol sacrificing how many what kind of leader is that and she wonders why they don’t like her they remember her killing and subjugating them with Marcel for almost a year.


We do know his 2nd plan, this is we’re your bias comes in, if we use common sense they had the wrong ingredients thanks to freya being wrong, and klaus wanted to face Dahila alone, connect the dots, Wrong ingredients + klaus fighting alone= disaster. I told you Cami told Elijah when she removed the Tude Blade that the plan wasn’t going to work and that Klaus had infiltrated her mind (when he was daggered dahlia said “no your in my mind) so it’s obvious klaus found out Esther was the key after he was daggered meaning whatever plan he was cooking for the 2nd plan wasn’t going to work and just like u used the example of what woulda happened to Elijah, freya and Rebekah when dahlia walked into the compound was the exact same thing that woulda happened to klaus and his 2nd plan except he woulda stood 0 chance him alone instead if he had worked together. Your also comparing you knowing it was Esther as a viewer rather than a character in the show. A writer purposely didn’t want the characters to know as it helps the plot😂. Dahlia might’ve wanted to help freya but much more wanted her power which is why she tortured her all those years and treated her so bad that she permitted her to fall in love have a child just so she could take it from her. Dahila isn’t a good person if that’s what your trying to imply, freya didn’t mention her trying to help her because that’s never what it felt like to her as she genuinely didn’t think she was helping so no, she didn’t forget to mention it as in her eyes she wasn’t helping even if Dahlia was her alterer motive shadow that help.


Like I said klaus would’ve fallen to the same fate with his 2nd plan had it not been for him being daggered. You say we shouldn’t think daggering him was a good thing just cause of how events turned up but that’s the only reason he was able to come up with another plan so the strongest argument is the fact on how things turned out😂 also never defended Hayley’s plan, was a stupid one, all I said is her reasonings that led up to her plan was klaus’s refusal to work together mixed with dahlia rag dolling everyone including klaus because that made her feel there was no saftey so as a mother her instinct was to act as Dahila was able to visit her in a room where she wasn’t supposed to even find, was the plan dumb? Absolutely but I understand her view point doesn’t make her right and actually agreed she deserved the punishment she got for trying to take hope permanently from klaus


Yes we are defending the action of klaus killing Esther. Regardless of everything Rebekah and Elijah loved there mother and just cause klaus got the worst of the rage from both doesn’t mean he had a right to kill her and blame it on mikael. In TVD there’s a reason why the entire originals stayed with there mother and that’s because they still cared for her wasnt until she tried to kill them that they turned over a new leaf but that was only happening because she spent 1,000 years watching over the brutal and horrible acts they brought upon humanity that wouldn’t have happened if Klaus hadn’t had killed them. I’d like to think if Esther was never killed by Klaus she wouldn’t reserve as much of a duty to kill them off as them knowing there mother being alive would restrict them from some if not a lot of the unforgivable acts they had done to humanity. And before you go on a tangent I’m not defending Esther’s actions towards klaus, what she did was vile and brutal but the fact that klaus only killed her for his end and didn’t think of Elijah or Rebekah at the time of her murder is selfish regardless of what she did to him because at the time he didn’t know a lot of what he knows now so it’s not even justified well as he had much less reasons to kill ger then than now knowing his dad was murdered, and that he was restricted to be weak by Esther and so on, all that he found out thousand years later not when he murdered her


Your really talking about numbers on there’s side?😂 children vs a Viking Warrior? You have to be playing with me historically Viking warriors where some of the most brutal warrior to ever live and you wanted children to fight this legendary warrior my god😂😂. And yes Elijah was scared of Mikael the view times Elijah stood up for Klaus he also was threatened with being Physically punished which is what made him reconsider, this would only be a threat had mikael already beaten him before. Viking were brutal and although it didn’t show in the originals or TVD Mikael beating other aside from Klaus’s by historical evidence it’s not impossible to think mikael didn’t beat his other children, klaus definitely got the worst but that doesn’t mean the other children weren’t beaten either that’s why Elijah was scared. And Elijah stopped Rebekah because she’d have to live with killing her own father which even though he deserved it would still heavily impact the psyche of Rebekah, should Elijah had carried out the task himself? Yes I agree but again fear is what stopped him, we see this often in abused cases where the abused victim feels like they have to have some type of loyalty to the abuser in fear of that abuser even if they have a clear way out that fear doesn’t let them. That’s why abused victims usually stay with the abuser because they feel like they have to or to scared to stand up to them or find help. In 1919 hundreds of years had passed by, and for those hundreds of years Elijah spent them protecting and backing up Klaus so ofc he wasn’t going to fear him then rather than the what? Like first 30 years of his life when he helped mikael strap klaus down. 1919 they already had to much history between them and that history helped create the loyalty Elijah had for klaus so yeah even a white oak wouldn’t have scared Elijah off mostly since Elijah also had hundreds of years to build up anger for mikael for chasing them and wanting to kill klaus 😂


But hey these were some good points you made by far the best convo I’ve had with you😂 I don’t mind you voicing your opinion, so as you please it’s your own feelings and opinions in the show, just provide evidence for these stuff as you usually don’t and just bash a character, if you provided more evidence in your points like you did here maybe more people would see you view points and not just assume you hate for the hell of it


The difference between hayley and klaus in those scenarios is had it not been for Elijah klaus would’ve let it happen. But because of Elijah’s persistence it didn’t happen. If you remember Elijah had to threaten the witches to not lay a finger on hayley and brought them a peace offering when he got Jane Ann back, just so they wouldn’t hurt or kill Hayley. Which was much longer than “30 mins of weakness”😂 that was like an entire day, not to mention Elijah has to talk to klaus like 3 times to convince him finally which klaus’s instant question right before being convince was “will this child promise me power” like what?😂😂 hayley at least stopped from killing the baby from her own decision, defending herself from the vampires that came to kill her helped show herself that killing the child wasn’t the right thing to do. So 1 klaus changed his stance because he needed someone to convince him, hayley came to that conclusion by herself. Once again you seem to be excusing Klaus from his actions, Hayley’s actions were just as bad for wanting to kill hope herself but that doesn’t excuse klaus actions either

Melanin Ky (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-21 12:51:43 Why should she care about witches that slaughtered her friends? Which was for their own gain by the way. They isolated and threatened her in death because she let Marcel protect her from being murdered. Also.. Davina had absolutely nothing to do with sending Mikael after Hayley when Hope was in uetro. That was Geniveve, Monique, & the blonde harvest girl. She has a right to be angry, she was deceived and taken advantage of.
2023-03-06 02:56:48 Why should she care about witches that slaughtered her friends? Which was for their own gain by the way. They isolated and threatened her in death because she let Marcel protect her from being murdered. Also.. Davina had absolutely nothing to do with sending Mikael after Hayley when Hope was in uetro. That was Geniveve, Monique, & the blonde harvest girl. She has a right to be angry, she was deceived and taken advantage of.

Why should she care about witches that slaughtered her friends? Which was for their own gain by the way. They isolated and threatened her in death because she let Marcel protect her from being murdered. Also.. Davina had absolutely nothing to do with sending Mikael after Hayley when Hope was in uetro. That was Geniveve, Monique, & the blonde harvest girl. She has a right to be angry, she was deceived and taken advantage of.

james hghg

Wait so your argument is if hayley aborted she would be the evil person? Damn bro you should join the Supreme Court. You arguments literally make no sense it’s like you are in a fit of rage smashing your keyboard with nonsensical words. I’ve seen you on multiple channels now just spewing verbal diarrhoea trying to play morality with thousand year old mass murderers. News flash there are no good guys in this story.

james hghg

@melanin Ky you are using logic against someone who wasn’t born with it.

james hghg

Please don’t encourage him, these points were utter garbage, you have it way too much time imo, just let the mad man rant.

John Walker Is That Dude

No I didn’t excuse his actions I said all Klaus needs is Hope than someone said “the baby Klaus would’ve let die” I said he was scared for 30 mins. Than they said Klaus was “willing to let Hayley get stripped of her agency” I said her agency was stripped before Klaus came back to town. Why did Zeph feel the need to bring up the about Klaus being scared answer that please?

John Walker Is That Dude

Did Davina bring Mikael back are all the innocent people he murdered on her cuz without her the innocent people he killed would still be alive right. She knows how Mikael feels he was going to kill Klaus, Marcel and new born Hope in the courtyard if she didn’t take him away let’s not act like he wasn’t about to do that. The moment she releases him he was going to kill them all especially Klaus, Hayley and Hope. It doesn’t matter what her intentions were the moment Mikael kills Hayley and Hope those deaths would’ve been on her just like the confronted Mikael kills cuz they are dead cuz she brought him back. We all know that her death was needed cuz of the Harvest Ritual a ritual that worked. If u remember in season one cuz of Marcel’s interference and Davina noncompliance the city was going to be destroyed the witches didn’t want to kill her just to kill her they were going to use magic and as we know it worked. They lied so they would believe in the harvest every girl sacrificed were asked if they believed they came back to life after Celeste’s witches were killed.

John Walker Is That Dude

Melanin the witches that were part of the harvest are dead so every man, woman and child of the nine covens had nothing to do with it so she should like them and care for their well-being she clearly doesn’t. Cuz after Vincent manipulated her to take the job he didn’t want she became regent her first order of business was to agree with Elijah’s, Freya’s, Rebekah’s, and Marcel’s plans. Their plan to kill dahlia wasn’t going to work but in episode 21 Elijah said that if they fail the 9 covens led by Davina we’re going to take on dahlia all nine covens would have been slaughtered by dahlia. Josephine (on of my favs) was only willing to spell that bar and that’s it she wasn’t going to send wicthes to their deaths without a plan to kill dahlia cuz she likes the men, women and children of the 9 covens. What about my point on Vincent saying the ancestors give every regent a one time use of some powerful magic and every single regent used that power to do something for the 9 covens instead of helping the people she lied to she was going to help herself. After Elijah and Rebekah tricked her into bringing back Esther so they could kill dahlia an outsider who threatened the well-being of Hope a New Orleans witch she turned into a politician/dictator willing to start a war with them using the 9 covens over powerful magic she wasn’t willing to use to do something for the 9 covens what about that point. If Davina wasn’t regent I wouldn’t care if she liked the witches but she chose to be regent not because she liked them or cares Vincent manipulated her by saying she could bring Kol back if he didn’t say that she wouldn’t have took the job he knew that so he made it impossible for her to say no. Also Hope by their laws the has higher standing to the witches than Kol an original vampire why did Davina say no to Rebekah to take down dahlia when she all ready agreed to take up the fight to protect Hope if their plans failed she literally went back on her word to care for a witch my answer is she doesn’t care about Hope, the men, the women, and the children of the 9 covens she took the job selfishly


the way this dude rides klaus is hilarious and the way he ignores the fact about what elijah does in the finale episode of the series. like this dude will continue to ride klaus and ignore elijahs love for his brother

Nebulous Shooter

I really, really hope she will be in the next Dragon Age game. She answered a fan on twitter that she is not part of the project, but I just hope(copium) that she is under NDA. Morrigan is such an iconic character in gaming and Claudia Black is easily one of the best voice actresses around.

John Walker Is That Dude

Hey James and 7 people who liked his post why did u insult me personally do u and the others know me? Did we go to school together? Did u work with me at Camp Karankawa where at the ages 15-17 I ran the Dining Hall for summer and winter camp I had to make sure not to over or under order food to which I never did? Do u know the score of my ASVAB to get into the Marine Corps? Do u know how many jobs I qualified for cuz of my score? Were u there for the 12 weeks of boot camp? Do u know the scores I got for the written exams we had to take? Were u there when I had to answer questions by memory recall and if it was the wrong answer I got smoked (meaning exercised heavily)? Where u there for the crucible being up for 72hrs barley any sleep and we had to work through obstacles on our own did u know how good my team did? Were u there when was going to school for my job in the Marine Corps do u know how well I did? Were u there when I was a Lance Corporal I was order to go to Corporal’s Course (a LEADERSHIP course for Corporals) since i was the highest ranking junior enlisted Marine I was in charge of three Marines junior to me do u know how I did in a class full of actual corporals and I was one of two lance corporals? Were u there when I was put in charge of helping Marines get underweight cuz they were overweight? Were u there for the three times I had to do the paperwork for the two Marines who were in a drunk driving accident which one died and the other lost an eye? Were u there when a another Marine was almost killed on his motorcycle cuz of a wreckless driver? Were u there with me after working a 12 hour shift when I wasn’t feeling to good I was sleep for 30 mins I was woken up cuz on my units second deployment to the Middle East during an exercise with another unit officers in my unit were the victims of friendly fire with a bomb I was the only admin guy from my unit so it was my job to the paperwork so the pentagon s knows what happened and what were the injuries? People were pissing me off especially my units SgtMaj (highest ranking noncommissioned officer in my unit) I replied to an email to my Staff Sergeant who was on the ship with the rest of my unit I told him about how the SgtMaj was making me angry me being up for so long forgot said SgtMaj was apart of the email chain me the guy I says wasn’t born with logic should have been written up and lost rank I didn’t cuz I was one of his favorite NCO so he just yelled at me anybody else would have lost rank. Were u there when I was put in charge of my Units Color Guard and I had to train junior Marines? I say all this cuz u didn’t attack the facts of my post u attacked me like u know me PERSONALLY u don’t I was raised right by my parents and the Marine Corps I don’t know u I’m giving u sir the respect u failed to give me cuz who takes one post to attack someone online behind a keyboard u wouldn’t do to them in person. Sir if u can only attack me personally don’t reply to me keep it moving thank u.