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Fire With Fire

Aware he's been betrayed by his siblings, Klaus and an unlikely ally set out to get revenge; Elijah, Rebekah and Freya move forward with their plan to take Dahlia down; Davina gets the chance to bring back Kol.

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Jasmine Reigns

Everyone’s punishment was justified but killing Gia was too much to me tbh ☹️


You're so smart you got it right away, and I like how you see klaus's side to everything that he's doing. I've seen so many reacters that hate klaus for what's he's doing and not see what the other characters are doing is wrong and they only see the bad parts of what he's doing because they hate him but you see everything so I like that about your reactions


Really? I haven’t found a reactor that hates klaus😂 he’s a complicated character but very likeable

dono be da best

Killing Gia was completely a necessary evil. As Klaus said "In every war, there is the innocent victim that could've been spared if they had just walked away." As you said, killing Gia was 2 birds 1 stone. It punished Elijah, who definitely deserved more than Papa Tunde's blade(manipulated and blinded by his love for Hayley, he let her escape into a swamp with people incapable of protecting her and daggered him at the most pivotal time when his daughter's safety was in jeopardy). If it was me in that situation l would've thought about killing Elijah. The most important thing it did though was continue to earn Dahlia's trust. Dahlia was restless that Klaus didn't just kill Gia and Marcel at the loft. And she wanted to kill Hayley and Klaus presented an alternative for that. She's very smart and intuitive, she would've picked up on him not being willing to cause any real damage She needed reassurance through retribution to ensure Klaus was on her side. If he found a loophole out of killing everyone connected to his family, Dahlia would've gotten more suspicious and it would possibly make it a harder ask for Dahlia to link with him. Everything he does has a reason and a deeper meaning. Was it fucked up? Absolutely! Do l feel bad(FOR GIA), you bet!! Do l wish it didn't happen?! OF COURSE!! But, would it have possibly caused a problem for Klaus plan ?!? QUITE PPOSSIBLY!!! When you're at war, and you're being a double agent, do you have to go above and beyond? WITHOUT A DOUBT! Can you take any risks in letting the enemy think you might be playing them?! ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!!!!!!!


what reactors are you watching lol every reactor ive seen here and youtube have sided with klaus on this and so far ive seen no hatred towards klaus only frustations


Hopes life was already in jeopardy because of klaus’s stubbornness, his plan wasn’t going to work, I’m not sure if people assumes he was going to come out of a fight with dahlia with wrong ingredients and alone unhurt and without a scratch but that wasn’t likely. If you think Elijah deserved that and more sure I’ll give you that one as that’s more opinion oriented, but on the Dahlia part, klaus could’ve gotten away with convincing her by physically hurting his siblings and putting the curse on hayley. He’s daggered them for centuries, broken their necks and mentally abused them, so doing the same in the eyes of dahlia that isn’t familiar with the brutality he does often to his siblings would’ve been convincing enough he solely did it to hurt Elijah, and so happened to help his cause. But it is funny to me (not you btw) that people went against Freya for wanting to use hope as bait to also “not Take any risk” in her plan failing while also attempting to gain her freedom and saving her family (killing 2 birds with 1 stone) but with klaus it’s seen much differently and met with more empathy, anyways always nice to hear others points of view 👍

John Walker Is That Dude

When Klaus says I’m starting to feel like myself self again he’s not talking about the affects of the dagger he’s talk about when he didn’t have his werewolf side he was all vampire. Back in his more savage years he had fake humanity he did stuff like what he did in this episode. To me vampires can say they feel more deeply I disagree cuz if u can turn off ur humanity u have no humanity just like serial killers. Klaus’ wolf side is his humanity cuz wolves have legitimate humanity they feel. Stripping his wolf side was the reason Klaus and the Mikaelson aren’t a healthy family also the reason why the doppelgänger curse exists Esther and a Mikael condemned the doppelgänger to their faith. Elijah is trying to bring Ansel’s Klaus back not Mikael’s Klaus by helping Esther and Mikael is the reason is the way he is but he forgets how u played a major part into making Klaus the way he is if Elijah was this sole called good guy he would have had this siblings one original hybrid and three original vampires could have messed up Esther and Mikael remember as strong ass Esther was Klaus killed her the first time without help.


I think you got it right....It's not enough to just say well it's all a ruse...To me it's very obvious there is a part of Klaus that truly enjoyed getting brutal payback against Elijah and Co. I for one also totally think Hayley and Jackson had it coming, Gia well is just Mickelson drama collateral damage...Was it necessary no, but I guess when you betray Klaus you get what you get-Like it was mentioned being stabbed in the heart by his own family is literally his worse paranoid nightmare- not that he dosen't deserve it or hasn't done it himself, STILL of course you're gonna eat blowback.

Jasmine Bellucci

Killing Gia was totally unnecessary, dahlia didn't know about Elijah's affection for Gia, the dagger would be good enough to show her he was loyal to her.

Jasmine Bellucci

The finale is so good, i hope you're gonna post it soon


this episode is wild as shit


Who cares for Gia... to Klaus she wasn't more than your run of the mill human in New Orleans. He can't kill his family, he can't kill the mother of his child, he can't kill Marcel since he is like a son to him, he won't kill Cami but if it were Josh, Davina, Vincent, the wolves, the vampires, the humans he certainly won't hesitate to kill them if it benefits him in his plan. That he could hurt those who betrayed him by doing it was just the cherry on top.

Enzo Reis

I think what was really missing was Hayley and Klaus sitting down together like civilized parents and discussing what they were going to do to protect their daughter. Because everyone was just butting in wanting to do what everyone else thought was best to protect Hope, when it's really her parents' job to do that. What only you could have understood better Sofie is that Klaus was being impossible to deal with. Yes, it was a gross mistake for Elijah to stab him, but Klaus was on edge. He was so steeped in paranoia and fear that he wasn't trusting or letting anyone else help. That's why each of them did what they did. Another thing I don't like is Jackson. For me he is the definition of: before marrying someone, get to know the person well before doing it. Because he went from being an understanding and kind guy, to being totally controlling and manipulative. You don't come to your wife and make her choose between her daughter's family or you. Aside from the fact that marriage is a compromise, you have them willing to deal with the other person's baggage whether you agree or not. He knew Hayley saw herself as a Mikaelson too so if you don't want the Mikaelson baggage that comes from Hayley why did he marry her in the first place? Anyway. I know there will be people who disagree with me but I (I repeat) do not blame Hayley for what she did. Yes, I think it was missing sitting with Klaus and both discussing and reaching an agreement, but he was already in a coffin. I don't think Hayley ever wanted to take Hope away from Klaus. She as a mother wanted to give Hope a chance to have a normal life. She wanted to give her daughter the opportunity to be Hope Marshall a normal, ordinary daughter, not Hope Mikaelson: The powerful and only tribid daughter of the big bad Klaus Mikaelson. And I also don't see Hayley taking the image of her father or uncles talking bad about them, I think she would give her daughter a chance to grow up and have a normal life before deciding for herself if she wanted to remain normal or go back to the Mikaelsons.


I understand that Hayley’s and klaus are the parents but I don’t think that they alone have all the say for hope and let me explain why. In a normal circumstance I would agree but this isn’t a normal circumstance, what makes a parent to their child the ultimate protector? The fact that the child is there blood, the fact that they want not what’s best for the parent but the child, that they’re willing to go to extremes to protect their child, that they’d lay down there life for the child need be without question or hesitation. Elijah, Rebekah and even freya fall into all these categories. Elijah is hopes blood, he’s the reason she’s alive in the first place, and he will go to extremities and even lay his life for hope because it’s not just his niece but klaus’s salvation and that’s the most important to Elijah. Rebekah again hopes blood, spent her time with hope for her first months in this world, developed a aunt/mother instinct to her and will do what she at least sees as best for the child, and as klaus’s salvation and the child she could never have but always wanted she will easily die for that child. Freya, despite wanting to use her as bait for a full proof plan (like klaus dedication to convincing dahlia he was on her side) she’s hopes blood, and as someone who suffered under dahlias control I’m sure she’d die before letting her niece suffer the same fate, she has after all attempted suicide, so if she could save hope and give her life I’m sure she would as well. All the original family has a say as all treat hope like any normal parent would now I don’t think that means they should butt in on how she’s raised but when emergencies occur hayley and klaus should listen as well not just act of their own accord. But right in with the hayley situation, she deserved the punishment but I understand she was just trying to protect her daughter. She was on house arrest and heard of how dahlia took down the most powerful family with ease and reached her and hope under heavy clock spells and other spells with super wolves protection and originals protection. As any mother staying still wouldn’t have been an option anymore and she just wanted the best for what she thought for her child cause like it or not Esther and Finn were the villains in season 1 like Dahlia in this season who wanted to kill hope and all 3 of those are part of the mikaelson family, she was wrong for what she did but I do see her reasoning to not be insanely out of line. Glad you understood Hayley’s point of view, mostly since everyone hates her rn😂


It always amazes me how quickly people believe that Klaus is so easily swayed and manipulated by Dahlia's proposition to join her. Klaus trusts no one, especially if they are of his blood. Not only is Dahlia blood but more importantly Ester's sister. It also mystifies me how many people thought Klaus was unhinged enough that he needed to be stopped, put in his place, and lastly daggered. Honestly it was just a stupid move and for siblings that have been with each other for a 1000 years you would think they would already know this. Wow it is almost like they don't know him at all. Klaus always has some sort of plan and for the most part he doesn't usually share them. This is far from unusual. He is always over the top. He is forever calling out people especially if he thinks they are incapable of doing things he needs them to do. And I will reiterate he does not trust anyone (except Cami) . He behavior is not of a stark raving mad lunatic. He is a first time father who is coming against a new and different threat. He has been introduced to a sister he does not know. Hayley, his baby's momma, is growing more attached to her wolves and questions him, his actions and his abilities at every turn. Forgive the man but I think he has many reasons to be "scared". At the core that is truly the crux of it. But instead of trying to understand him, his family puts a knife in his heart. Did they really think that he would look kindly at that? Did they really think they could do this without him? They did exactly what he most feared and at the worst possible moment. Sofie you said it perfectly, "He is playing chess while they are still playing checkers" As for Klaus and Dahlia....He is keeping his enemy closest by giving her honey and a clever smile.

John Walker Is That Dude

Why do people let Hayley off the hook she made the decision to take Hope from Klaus forever. If it was Klaus people would blame him in a heartbeat. Also we need to stop acting like they are humans Klaus and Hayley are wolves who can shift into Humans if they wanted to they could live as wolves cuz they can control their shift. Everybody starting with Hayley decided to take the cub of the strongest and oldest wolf forever Klaus’ attachment to his cub is stronger than humans bond to their kids. Even in that Hayley’s plan was too stupid to work cuz all Klaus had to do was shift into wolf form and he would find Hope. If u remember Ansel told Klaus every time he shifted he was being led to Hope that’s part of the reason Klaus killed Ansel cuz it just wasn’t the fact he knew Hope was alive he was being led to Hope every full moon.

John Walker Is That Dude

Freya was willing to put Hope’s life in danger if Klaus did that people would have a problem the double standard is always on full effect when it comes to Klaus.

John Walker Is That Dude

Dahlia wanted blood so Klaus gave it her somebody had to die Gia had to go cuz not only Elijah liked her but she was apart of Marcel’s crew another person who betrayed Klaus that was for him as well.

james hghg

What? Okay so then let’s kill cami. Your logic makes no sense. Elijah cares for his and that’s all that matters I don’t know how you don’t comprehend that.

james hghg

It always blows my mind seeing comments saying these punishments were just. Elijah and Rebekah daggered Klaus for HIS own actions. Klaus refused to trust the 2 people in his life that have been there from the beginning. “They deserved the punishment” are we just all of a sudden blind to the literal abuse and mistreatment Klaus has given to Elijah and Rebekah? As soon as Klaus is “wronged” everyone has a fit all of a sudden but are completely blind to what Klaus does to others. Just say klaus is your favourite don’t try paint him as the next coming of Jesus.


I would read th first again, maybe you understand it then... KLAUS not Elijah, not Rebekah, not Freya but KLAUS does not care for everyone except his siblings, his daughter, the child's mother thanks to Hope, his self made "son" Marcellus and the one woman who always gets under his skin and for whom he holds special feelings. Everyone else can just die for all that he (KLAUS) cares. Of course all of them could kill Cami, but both Rebekah and Elijah are still holding on that one thread of hope that Klaus is redeemable and that Cami might be one of the keys. Marcel, Josh, Davina or Vincent won't kill Cami out of different reasons. The only one who would kill Cami if it benefited the plan would be Freya (in S2). Get it in your heads that the Original family aren't good people. None of them are and while you know where you are with Klaus, Elijah on the other hand is always contradicting himself with what he says and what he does, which makes him the biggest hypocrite in the whole show, if we don't account for Elena. And the who cares for Gia was a wink for the fandom and not to anyone in the series itself. I certainly didn't care for her, but I also didn't care for Aiden. So that's that.

james hghg

I don’t care about why Klaus did what he did I’m talking about YOU. Your logic doesn’t make sense. You literally said “who cares for gia” then went on to acknowledge the main person who cares for her…


Who’s the reason that daughters even alive in the first place? (Hint: not klaus)

Josh Man

They daggered Klaus and left him daggered to remove his daughter from his life. The vow is to stick together as one. They tried to take his daughter away from him forever. That is not how its started. Yet they left him daggered after Hayley said she was taking Hope forever. Klaus never daggered Elijah or Rebekah to take them away from the family. He often daggered them to prevent them from leaving and breaking the vow. Still not great but that is a big difference.