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Exquisite Corpse

Following Eva Sinclair's re-emergence, Klaus must put aside his mistrust for Freya in order to save Rebekah's life; Josephine reveals information about Eva's past and Hayley's future; Marcel turns to Vincent for help.

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Joseph LeRoy

I'm with Klaus on trusting Freya. Game recognizes game. Klaus sees that both of them will do whatever it takes to accomplish the goal. They will both lie, steal, manipulate, and kill anybody in the way. The only difference is Klaus needs to kill Dahlia and protect Hope, but Freya only needs to kill Dahlia to get what she wants. So, to Freya Hope could easily be considered collateral damage to kill Dahlia. Considering half the time his paranoia is right and Hope is his daughter he is completely in the right to have 0 trust for Freya. I think Klaus should have the last say when it comes to protecting his Hope. Besides some witches he is the most powerful creature on the planet, strategic as hell and willing to do absolutely anything to win. He has easily beaten Elijah, Rebekah, Marcel, vampires, hybrids, and witches on multiple occasions. Add that to the motivation to protect Hope. Sorry but I vote Klaus as team leader lol.

John Walker Is That Dude

This episode is why Klaus’ siblings are the worst with their contaminated Mikael genes. Every single one of Klaus’ siblings have all downplayed his child abuse like it’s a joke for their entertainment. Freya literally laughed in is face over how her evil father abused him from the age of 7 to his 20’s. Klaus would have never laughed at them if the shoe was on the other foot. I can’t wait for the next episode cuz I’m going to talk about who is the worst Mikaelson of all time and who has suffered more than anything anybody in this universe.


I can understand Klaus’s instinct as he has a very good one that’s usually not faulty for these kind of things. The difference between Freya and all his other options of trust throughout history that betrayed his trust is that she is his family. All Freya tries to do is to help her family that includes hope, but because the fear for dahlia is so engraved in her i do believe it clouts her judgement because she doesn’t want to fail, failing is not just not killing Dahlia and becoming a slave to her again, but losing her long last family to dahlia. I don’t believe Klaus should be the say all do all with hope, like everyone in the show klaus has his flaws, take Rebekah for example. They almost lost her because of Klaus’s stubbornness had he at least prioritized Rebekah over his trust trial runs she wouldn’t have had what happened this episode. everyone in the orginal family has sacrificed a lot in the name of protecting that child (hope) if it wasn’t for Elijah hope wouldn’t have even made it to birth. Klaus has beaten all you’ve listed not because of his strategy, he is very gifted in strategy but so are Elijah and marcel only deciding factor between them and klaus is the natural physical strength and the fact that Elijah and Rebekah can be put down with a dagger, don’t forget Elijah in TVD fueled for the loss of his family could have achieved the impossible and killed klaus without the white oak. Daliah is unlike any enemy anyone has ever faced and by the looks much more powerful then any of the orginals so klaus’s strength means nothing facing her. At the ending only reason Freya turned on Klaus wasn’t for her Goal or for her gain, but because looking into klaus’s mind she knew he would never trust her she turned on him, had he trusted her at some point from the many times she proved herself she wouldn’t have had to go against klaus.


Will be happy to debunk it like your other comments 😉👍

Jasmine Bellucci

Klaus is my fav character ever, but u're too mean towards the others. Klaus abused all of them through the years, made fun of Elijah when he tried to show him there was some good in the World, did the same with Rebekah by killing everyone she fell for plus he daggered them for years, multiple times, so stop acting like he's a saint and a good person cause he's not, now he's getting better, but he still be bad. Elijah and Rebekah especially sided with him against Mikael trough the years, risking their life for him even tho he was abusive towards them.


I find it impossible to watch this show and not love Klaus’s character, he’s such a well written character one of the best I’ve ever seen, but part of his beauty is the many faults and unforgivable things he does, because we can see a change in him through TVD and the orginals and it’s a beautiful thing to see, this klaus fanboy some how twisted any meaningful life lesson in the show to fit his Klaus supremacy point of view which is sad cause I couldn’t imagine enjoying this show by hating everyone non stop, appreciate your take and agree whole heartedly 👍

Jasmine Bellucci

Cause he was abused, like me, i was almost killed by my mom more than once, but i didn't do what Klaus did by reversing his rage on his siblings who didn't do nothing but love him, and that's not even the point. The point here is that u only sees the good in Klaus and noone else, any of them has good sides and bad sides, none of them is perfect tho, especially Klaus and i assure u I've never loved a character more than i love him, but i can see he's not a good person. And when u said that Klaus would never laughed on their siblings faces like Freya did i was losing it because that is EXACTLY what he did with Freya when she told him her story, she was abused as much as Klaus did, still he was terrible with her, so she has any right to be pissed.


Why is Elijah like he is, why is Rebekah as she is, or marcel, freya, davina, kol, Finn etc. all have trauma and tragedy in there past life, some chose better paths than others but the fact that you defend only klaus shows you ignore everyone else, everyone I named and more have had a horrible life up till now one can say that’s why they get along. You can’t make a good point just answer questions with another very basic question, deflection usually shows that your wrong so isn’t looking so good for you😬


lol im just over here watching people comment so passionaly about hating klaus or loving klaus lol like its a show none of it is real. Like who u like, dislike who u dislike, its not gonna affect your life is someone doesnt agree with you. Every character in the tvdu has trauma and bad decisions. No one from the Tvdu is a saint or perfect.

Jay zay

I swear klaus was laughing at Freya’s trauma literally in the previous episode😭😭😭. Klaus is in my top 3 favourite characters but it ain’t this deep😭.

Jasmine Bellucci

She literally took her life to get free of Dahlia, i repeat that I've experienced what Klaus had experience in his life, there are different ways to abuse someone, it's not just physical, mental abuse can be as bad as the physical one, dahlia mentally abused Freya for centuries

Jasmine Bellucci

But that's the point, this person is always pissed with everyone but Klaus, i always see his comments, it starts to became annoying to me 🤣


ppl care way too much i almost feel bad lmfaoo💀💀😭

Nebulous Shooter

Bruh, you need to institutionalized. You are the most unhinged person I've met in 5 years of Patreon.


he cares so much lmfao i literally said everyone is bad and has trauma and they proceed to care so much to say none of them were abused but damon was lmfao and tyler was


tyler was abused by his father and so was damon lmfao. they all have trauma and are bad.


If the shoe was on the other foot...You mean like he literally laughed at Freya's face when she was explaining how she was psychologically destroyed over a period of a thousand years like JUST ONE EP ago lol Don't get me wrong I absolutely love Klaus but we shouldn't fool ourselves about who he is and what he has done and does...The whole point of this show to me is showing us that there is good in the bad, so yes Klaus is humanized but that dosen't mean his trauma have to excuse his person or make the cruel things acceptable just because of what he suffered as a child, we are all responsible for our actions and not solely a victim of our circumstances, otherwise then we should judge nothing anybody does ever again

james hghg

I’m still waiting for these facts you have, you have yet to say any.