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Bring On the Night

Buffy and the gang search for a way to annihilate the Ubervamp, Giles arrives in Sunnydale with three would-be slayers in tow, and The First continues to torture Spike, who flags and almost perishes.

Link to the reaction:





The First's plan would be to wipe out all living potential slayers, then Buffy and Faith so the slayer powers has no one to pass into. Since slayers are not born with their powers and only inherit them when the previous slayer dies, even if new potential slayers are born, the power is gone forever because no active slayer was around to "receive" them when Faith dies.


“Let’s not act like it’s not the end ‘cause it is.” NO! Sofie take your time! I’m not ready for this to end. 😭 >>MORALITY<< The like the conversation Buffy had with “Joyce” in her dream sequence. Because no matter what you do, you can’t “beat” evil, you can tell people not to do things, you can teach people to be good, but ultimately as she put it, it’s in all of us. We’re all capable of making such moral decisions. This is something I believe Angel realises in Season 2 “Reprise” when he meets up with Holland in the elevator and I’m glad it was brought up again because some people genuinely can’t grasp why people make the choices they do, it’s a simple as, because they can, it’s natural. Dare I say it, evil is the default. 🤷🏽‍♂️ >>VILLAINS<< I LOVE the idea of reintroducing a past villain and making it the last. If it was gonna be anyone, it HAD to be the source, the thing that created it to begin with. The fight sequence between Buffy and the vamp was brutal. Not to discredit the vampires strength but Buffy hadn’t slept at all and we know she can be lethal when she want to! You’re right that Glory never smacked her hard this much and Glory even says why! I don’t remember which episode it was but she mentions biggest of the humanity in her (Ben) she never went for the kill. The First is probably the worst villain to face as it technically can’t be “beaten” it exists in everyone, like Giles said, it’s everywhere. Even you Sofie! 😌


The slayer line is dependent upon the power being passed on shortly after death. If there is no potential for it to be passed on to, it is eliminated. It cannot pass on to not yet-to-be-determined potential. It is vaguely hinted at that there is a way for the council to figure out who the potentials are, probably a spell. Their spell never told them that Buffy was a potential. If you recall in Season 2 finale, Whistler (Angel's guide) told Buffy no one saw her coming. I interpret that as meaning Buffy becoming the slayer took everyone by surprise cause no spell (or whatever) told them she was a potential to begin with. She was overlooked, or a fluke. Also, remember Kendra told a story about her being sent to her watcher before she was a slayer, she was a potential and the council knew it. This show sometimes is far too subtle, it took me a few rewatches to catch some things and I still see things I did not see before.

Bobby P

Yes, I thought about the Kendra story particularly when the Potentials came into play in S7. I read what she says as meaning she was removed from family and trained prior to her calling at Buffy's death, i.e. Kendra was a potential the Council spotted early, which jives (until its fiery demise) with what the Council seems to have been doing with potentials around the world in S7.

Bobby P

S7 is one of the most underrated by the fanbase - and I think actually improves on rewatch. It really does both look back to some of the series' biggest themes - as well having many fun throwbacks to 7 seasons of lore and history - but then uses them to create a palpably clear and present danger. It pits Buffy in particular against a type of enemy she has never encountered, which requires her to learn new skills and methods to fight it - which of course don't come easy to her. While I understand some of the criticisms, and agree with a couple, I think overall it is as strong as the other more thematically ambitious seasons and is doing something new: clearly looking back, and yet always feeling like a real end is approaching, with a sense of dread that is very different from the dark, character-centric depression of S6 (also a great season). The show really does attempt to do something unique with every season, while remaining remarkably consistent.

Alyssa Dyson

Kennedy talking about her watcher before she was called. Yes they had watchers before they were called. Remember Kendra talking about how she trained with her watcher? Yes not the case with Buffy. But not every case is the same.

Raven Dark

I loved these two reactions, Sofie. Wonderful job, and I'm dying to see you react to the rest of the season! Also wanted to quickly let you know that the audio on both this one and the last reaction was super low on the show. You were fine, but the show, I could barely hear.


Girl, if you like the speeches now, just wait! 🖤


Louder for those in the back, please. I concur 100% with everything you say here.


In the world of cosmic forces, there doesn't need to be a "blood line" to connect Potentials, but a mystical one; through which the Slayer can call the next at the moment of death. But if there are no living Potentials when the last Slayer dies, it doesn't matter if any new ones are born, as there's no longer an active Slayer to call them; the connection with the source of the Slayer powers would then be broken. Even the description of "into every generation a Slayer is born" is open to interpretation. Taken literally, this might have meant that each subsequent Slayer was called at birth and would need to be identified, sort of like the tradition of the Dalai Lama. No Potentials walking around between birth and being called. Since we know now that's not the case - although it may have originally been meant that way - the phrase takes on a new meaning, where "born" could simply be the description of them becoming called as the Slayer. Buffy didn't have a Watcher before she was called, because she wasn't identified as a Potential; she was an outlier. Kendra talked about being removed from her parents at a very young age - so young she couldn't actually remember them; which consequentially means she only has her Watcher's word that her parents saw it as a "great honor," she put it. Based on this episode, the Council evidently had a very long standing tradition of identifying Potentials, presumably those with the greatest potential of being called, and ostensibly removing them their families (like they did with Kendra); and then trained and raised by a Watcher, in preparation for them to be potentially called. This does have some disturbing implications, especially given the Council's MO when it comes to how it treated the Slayer.


Yeah, Buffy was a rare case. The Watcher's Council has a way to find potentials but once in a great while their methods miss the mark. And the other part of what Sofie was wondering about, In order for the power of the slayer to pass on, it has to pass on to someone immediately, someone has to be a potential to receive it at the time of death of the slayer. If all the living potentials are dead, it cannot get passed on. Not yet to be born potentials cannot receive the power after the fact. There is no temporary limbo for the slayer power to wait for a potential to be born.

Aurro Eronaile

“Does she want to eat?” “-WHAT?”


Ha,BtVS writers are never ones to shy away from the suggestive dialogue ;)

Janel Davis

I love how consistently surprised you were by how many great episodes season 7 had. I seems your expectations had been skewed by so many people in the Buffy community shitting on it 😂. I think part of why it gets a bad wrap is because so much of it revolves around enticing mysteries, so it's not as rewatchable as some of the other seasons. I remember loving it on first watch, though, and watching you love it reminds me of how good it was.