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Almost Everything I Wish I'd Said the Last Tim

Haley tries to overcome her depression by joining Nathan, Jamie and the rest of the gang on a trip to Utah for the premiere of Julian's film. Meanwhile, Katie is gunning for Clay and Quinn.

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Leora Nechama

I love this episode and seeing Haley asking for help and have some hope eve though it still hurts. Julian proposing to Brooke always makes me cry - she deserved to find her person.

Jasmine Reigns

In my honest opinion , Naley is the best couple in any tv series ever! There’s no fictional couple that has so much chemistry and love like Haley and Nathan 🥹 I love them sooooo much

Mariella Nilsson

What a happy fun episode and then that ending!

Mariella Nilsson

They are such grounded and calm personalities and they don't have big egos, they are just such good partners and it is rare to se such a stable relashionship on Tv!

Mariella Nilsson

All the ladies on oth are beautiful, but can we all appreciate how absolute gorgeus joy/haley is!


when she kept saying how chill this episode is i was like oh god just wait until the very end. Usually when a episode seems way too happy is when you know something is gonna go wrong LOL. Plus the previous episode the way katie was just taken away seemed way to easy for the storyline to end like that


I love this episode. Everything about it is just amazing. (Until the end where Clay and Quinn get shot of course...) I really love that even though Haley was clearly doing better this episode, she wasn't just feeling good. She was still not okay and she was still really struggling, but she made an effort for Jamie and it helped her a lot, to get out like that and just be with the people she loves. I really love the opening scene too. With Haley going into the pool and just the montage of Naley moments. And honestly, the whole thing reminds me of back in S2 when Nathan crashed the race car. How this moment of being at their very lowest just made them want to be okay again and is what made them push themselves. It's why, like you said, Nathan understands her so much. Like you said, he's been there. Different circumstances, of course, but similar feelings and struggles. Honestly, I think the reason Chase went with them was just because they wanted to start kinda bringing him into the group more. Like, the characters was one that was clearly sticking around and yet they hadn't really added him into the main group, so having him go on the trip gave them a chance to do that. So happy Brooke and Julian are engaged! She's been waiting for this for a long time! And Naley baby number 2!! :D


James and Joy's chemistry is what made Naley so great imo. They're honestly my favorite fictional couple and I've watched a lot of TV shows lol. It's rare to find a couple on TV that lasts as long and stays together throughout the whole series.