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The Brothers That Care Forgot

Rebekah must go on the run when she realises Esther knows her location, Klaus wants to bring Vincent and Kaleb to his side, and Hayley discovers a ritual that would get the pack out from under Esther's control.

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OTH is next...Tomorrow.




John Walker Is That Dude

Y’all talk about Tim but what about the innocent witches that her and Marcel were murdering, enslaving and subjugating witches who didn’t do a thing to her. She was all for innocent human beings to die in New Orleans cuz she didn’t want to complete the harvest ritual that was clearly working if Klaus did the same y’all would lose it but since it’s Davina who didn’t care about innocent humans it’s no big deal.


Respectfully you are severely underestimating Dahlia 😂, can’t wait for the next episode 👍

Jasmine Reigns

With all due respect you’re underestimating Dahlia 😂😂 I’m so excited for you in these upcoming episodes

John Walker Is That Dude

Omg davina is so annoying between her and Monique I’m team Monique. Davina doesn’t fit this show she would have worked better on TVD this show is too grown for her she should have died season 1


Bro you have so much hate for most of the characters aside from Klaus😂, you seem to not capture anyone’s reasoning aside from the characters you like, that creates severe bias-ness and I’m not sure how anyone can enjoy the show that way. I’m surprised you got through the series with all that hatred man😂


Davina is not my favorite character...but how can one not understand her hatred and fixation on Klaus? He killed the guy that she loved and consistently threatened to kill other people she loved...leading her to live in constant fear. Like...should she just get over it? I wouldn't. Also, she is overconfident around Klaus for the same reason Marcel is overconfident. She knows that Marcel and Cami both forbid Klaus to kill her. Davina says to Klaus in this episode something about how Klaus "couldn't even kill Marcel." Her overconfidence is no different than Marcel's or the confidence that Cami often has as a human dealing with the supernatural. I personally like Davina's contributions to this show. I like her witch perspective. I like her dynamics with Marcel, Kol, Cami, and Josh, etc.


Beautifully written 👍 like I said dudes one sided, I’ve noticed he’s a die hard klaus stand, I love klaus but he’s not always in the right and the hatred people have towards him including some villains is justified at the very least


I will let Dhalia challenge your perception of just how strong a witch can be in this show lol She's nothing to joke over is all i'm gonna say hahah


I've never seen this show but i just realised that's emma from H20 on the thumbnail!


Funny enough Phoebe Tonkin (Cleo sertori)is also in this show and was in H2O😅, both play major roles in this show

Rachel Jules

When is the next episode


Hey! Sorry to ask when are we getting new ep of oth?


I could *not* stand Davina at first, and then she ended up being one of my favorite characters in the entire TVD universe.